Objective. To study private-practice clients' perspective on reasons for psychotherapy termination and how these are related to demographic and treatment variables and to satisfaction with therapy.David RoeInstitute for HealthRachel DekelInstitute for Health...
Terminating art therapy with emotionally disturbed children Presents 2 case illustrations to show the difficulties that can arise in termination of therapy. The advantages of using a structured exercise, in these cases a clay model of the child's feeling about the end of therapy, in easing the ...
Discusses counselor feelings of loss due to client departure from therapy. Describes components of loss within a five-stage model including denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Outlines strategies for coping with counselor loss. Suggests feelings of loss are natural. (RC)...
We have emphasized that we bring our ethnic ecosystems into therapy with us and that we transcend them as we build and utilize a shared ecosystem. We have been stressing that in doing so the therapist and the client are changing as individuals in a variety of ways. Now we need to look ...
Ochoa, Muran, A Relational Take on Termination in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. Ellman, Termination and Long Term Treatments. Thorpe, McMillan,Owings,Dawson , Behavior Therapy and Termination. Moore, Bursch,Walshaw, Termination of Psychotherapy with Children. Bembry, Termination with Adolescents. ...