“fatal: terminating connection due to idle-in-transaction timeout” 是一条数据库连接错误信息,表明由于事务在空闲状态下超过了设定的超时时间,数据库连接被强制终止。这通常发生在数据库事务被开启后,长时间没有执行任何操作的情况下。 2. 常见原因 事务处理时间过长:事务开始后,由于某种原因(如等待用户输入、...
postgreSql 报错 (psycopg2.errors.IdleInTransactionSessionTimeout) terminating connection due to idle-in-transaction timeout 解决 具体问题: 第二个问题呢就是 原因大概是酱紫的 在mysql超过wait_timeout后,连接会挂掉,服务就会报错 OperationalError: (_mysql_exceptions.OperationalError) (2006, 'MySQL server has...
首先检查下业务逻辑看是否有及时commit,如果没有那么设置alter database xxx set idle_in_transaction_...
FATAL: terminating connection due to idle-in-transaction timeout ERROR: query failed: SSL connection has been closed unexpectedly DETAIL: query was: SAVEPOINT repack_sp1 and this error is occurring in large tables only, and current table size which is running about 700GB /pg_repack --version p...
Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: FATAL: terminating connection due to idle-in-transaction timeout Environment VMware Cloud Director 10.x Cause The error is caused when the operation took too long to complete and the database transaction was idle. The default value which the DB transa...
psycopg2.databaseerror: terminating connection due to idle-session timeout 官网文档说明 文档 官方不推荐在postgresql.conf中设置statement_timeout,因为它会影响所有会话。 statement_timeout:中止任何使用了超过指定毫秒数的语句,从命令到达服务器开始计时。如果log_min_error_statement被设置为ERROR或更低,语句如果超...
In the invention, the first function triggers the second function to initiate the service termination procedure and realizes the service termination; thereby terminating the existing service could be ensured when the terminal being in idle mode is in idle status. Furthermore, in the invention, by ...
Last command: _ON_QUEUE_sendMessage:toChannelReturningError:during: Backtrace of last command: 0 -[IBAbstractPlatformToolProxy _ON_QUEUE_sendMessage:toChannelReturningError:during:] (in IDEInterfaceBuilderKit) 1 __74-[IBAbstractPlatformToolProxy sendMessage:toChannelReturningError:during:]_block_invok...
("terminating connection due to administrator command") isn't necessarily an indication that the whole database is going down - it could be a termination of your specific connection for some reason (that's what I demonstrate in my code sample above). If I'm understanding you correctly, do ...