FromScience Daily You can also calculate this terminal velocity, or upper speed limit, quite easily. FromScientific American If they reached the bottom at terminal velocity...well, she knew enough science to know it would be terminal.
Define Virtual terminal. Virtual terminal synonyms, Virtual terminal pronunciation, Virtual terminal translation, English dictionary definition of Virtual terminal. Noun 1. terminal emulation - having a computer act exactly like a terminal emulation - te
Terminal velocity is the constant speed reached by a falling object when the gravitational force equals the drag and buoyancy forces acting on it, causing it to fall uniformly at that speed. AI generated definition based on: Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 2018 ...
Terminal Velocity Definition Terminal velocity is defined as the highest velocity that can be achieved by an object that is falling through a fluid, such as air or water. When terminal velocity is reached, the downward force of gravity is equal to the sum of the object'sbuoyancyand the drag...
Define terminal phalanx. terminal phalanx synonyms, terminal phalanx pronunciation, terminal phalanx translation, English dictionary definition of terminal phalanx. n. pl. pha·lanx·es or pha·lan·ges 1. A compact or close-knit body of people: "formed
Velocity: the velocity of the mobile and its mobility pattern are crucial decision parameters. Actually, fast moving mobile may cross over a WLAN coverage rapidly. Thus, handing it over from acellular networkto a WLAN could cause quick successivehandoverswhich may result in high signaling overheads...
The suggested quadratic models of terminal velocity(R = 0.99) gives accurate predictions in high Re numbers, while the previous correlations could not. The new general quadratic model of aspect ratio having included the viscosity ratio as an effective parameter, can be used in the wide range of...
where, P is the energy flow, G is the shear modulus, d is the thickness of the propagation medium, ξ is the wave number, ω is the frequency, A is the amplitude, and CT is the phase velocity of the shear wave. Pre-processing of aviation electrical contact crimping simulation In this...
Define terminal ganglion. terminal ganglion synonyms, terminal ganglion pronunciation, terminal ganglion translation, English dictionary definition of terminal ganglion. n. pl. gan·gli·a or gan·gli·ons 1. A group of nerve cells forming a nerve center
A ground terminal in the context of Computer Science is defined as an optomechanics assembly that collects downlink signal light from a flight terminal, filters out background light, detects photons, synchronizes to the signal, and monitors atmospheric channel conditions. ...