1. 最终效果 无背景: 有背景: 2. 实现步骤 2.1 下载iTerm2 官网下载 或者使用brew安装 brew cask install iterm2 安装完成后,在/bin目录下会多出一个zsh的文件。 Mac系统默认使用dash作为终端,可以使用命令修改默认使用zsh: chsh -s /bin/zsh zsh完美代替bash,具体区别可查看:《Zsh和Bash区别》 iterm2的原始...
and it allows users to conduct productivity tasks better than other operating systems—one of the key reasons that many people like Mac devices is because of their Terminal. Learninghow to open Terminal on Maccan be a quick and easy way to run the OS. ...
Explanation: Applications/Utilities is actually stored on-disk under /System/Applications/Utilities, so when you ls /Applications/Utilities it will show nothing, as it's actually some sort of Finder-specific symbolic link. The /System folder is quite locked down, so we'll have to copy the Te...
Every command consists of three elements: the command itself, an argument that tells the command what resource it should operate on, and an option that modifies the output. So, for example, to move a file from one folder to another on your Mac, you'd use the "move" commandmvand then ...
日常经常打开/切换到Terminal,每次通过Spotlight Search打操作步骤比较多,Command+Tab又不能确信一下就能切到它,于是就了设置一个热键直接打开或者切换到Terminal。 经过了一番折腾最终还是成功了,有点遗憾的是切换有些延迟。 第一步,创建一个Service 打开automator ...
Mac OS X 下优化 Terminal,一篇就够了! 先上最终效果图: 目录 [ 目录](# 目录) 1. 相关工具介绍 2. 配置总览 3. 安装步骤 3.1. 安装 iTerm2 3.2. 安装XCode’s Command line tools 3.3. 检查zsh是否已安装 3.4. 安装Oh-My-Zsh 3.5. 安装Powerline fonts...
mac os 使用iterm来代替自带Terminal 使~/.bash_profile立即生效的3中方式 1.. .bash_profile 2.source .bash_profile(用过这个方法) exec bash --login 进程操作: ps -A | grep [process name regex] : 查看制定进程, e.g: ps -A | grep eclipse 查看eclipse进程 ...
这是用Homebrew装,需要 OS X 上有Homebrew,它的网站:https://brew.sh/ 安装Oh-My-Zsh 可以通过curl或者wget来安装 curl sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/master/tools/install.sh)" wget sh -c "$(wget https://raw.github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/master/...
Glances an Eye on your system. A top/htop alternative for GNU/Linux, BSD, Mac OS and Windows operating systems. pythonmulti-platformterminalwebmonitoringsystemrestfulrestful-api UpdatedJan 19, 2025 Python The lean application framework for Python. Build sophisticated user interfaces with a simple Pyt...
Mac OS uses HFS (Hierarchical File System) for the drives. On the other hand, Windows uses NTFS for file storage systems. So, people look for options to format their drives in HFS to NTFS for better compatibility. If you are a Mac user and wondering if you can format drives to NTFS ...