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+ babel-core "^6.26.0" + babel-runtime "^6.26.0" + core-js "^2.5.0" + home-or-tmp "^2.0.0" + lodash "^4.17.4" + mkdirp "^0.5.1" + source-map-support "^0.4.15" + +babel-runtime@^6.18.0, babel-runtime@^6.22.0, babel-runtime@^6.26.0: + version "6.26.0" + res...
dCaatlacublyattihoenemofisCsiOo2n emissions based on energy consumption is done by multiplying the energy consumption factor of each type of equipment, this method requires recorded data of fuel and power con- sumption ment, the from the container terminals. The second way is to estimate ...
Program and mobile terminal devicePROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To store and manage the present position of a spot at which electronic money was used as an electronic money utilized position and to guide the utilized position at which the electronic money was used in the past on a map.生田目 繁...
Water density was calculated using Volmap plugin in visual molecular dynamics (VMD)50 software as previously described25. Binding free energy was calculated using g_mmpbsa algo- criatlhcmulaatseddeasscrdiebsecdr5i1b.eDd5y2nuasminicgaCl naremtwao(rvkesr.(s1e.t4)o5f3,ngondceosmwmithuncoitnien...
rhserestfsgerpheswrneeoymretrincsiraieseonefnnrqunnmseevqotdesutsnspluaipwmumapftfuoueinogoltutceegdfeegaamuhcharrr[lhiherlrldvhehhrristrtid9hiivtemsremvnsruainoargnoiaoieittac]sgteeengbceehh6cni.orrrchtirailtiaidddnhhdddaenheyegey5sseeeeestfltl flarigehhtiignhdlyomvaariinabtlheroaungdhporuet...
IIAAQQddaatataccoolllelectceteddhhavaevebebeenenvavlaidliadtaetdedthtrhoruoguhgchocmopmapriasroinsowniwthitrhefreerfeenrceenscpesropvriodveiddebdy baytharteher-eheo-uhsoeuhsoelhdolcdonctornotlroglroguropucphcahraacratecrtiezreizdeddudruinrigngthtehesasmame eppereiroidod, p, plalcaecdedininth...
mathematics related fields. It has built-in more than 6000 computing commands and more than 100 algorithm function packages. The multi system simulation mapsim software can add functions for multi domain physical modeling and code generation. This company has been acquired by Cybernet in Japan in ...
Hydrogen atoms were placed at calculated positions and were included in the structure calculation, except for H5 and H10 in complex 2, which were located from the Fourier map. All calculations were carried out using the SHELXL-97 program. The software used is listed in the reference [...
routeMap, exchange, loading: loadingQuotes, refresh, lastRefreshTimestamp, error, } = useJupiter({ amount, inputMint: useMemo(() => form.fromMint ? new PublicKey(form.fromMint) : PublicKey.default, [form.fromMint]), outputMint: useMemo(() => form.toMint ? new PublicKey(form.toMint...