Terminal Handling Charges or THC is a term that you would come across ininternational trade. Shipping terminals or port authorities charge THC for the services they provide to facilitate the shipment process, such as storage, positioning of cargo equipment handling, and maintenance. THC usually inc...
Prices used in the index are rolling short term Freight All Kind (FAK) spot tariffs and related surcharges between carriers, freight forwarders and high-volume shippers. Index values are calculated by taking the median price for all prices (to ignore the influence of outliers on active lanes)...
Tampa International Airport (TPA) served over 23 million passengers in the airport’s 2023. TPA has won several awards over the last couple of years for its innovation and sustainable efforts in the 3-phased Master Development Plan, improving the airport experience for passengers while considering ...
According to the MTL, over the past threetofouryears,terminaloperators in Hong Kong have already lowered their charges on shipping companies by as much as 25%. legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 現代貨箱 方面指 出 , 過去 3 至 4 年,香港的貨櫃碼頭收取船 公司的收費已 降低了 25%。
Many terminals have already received remodeling, with improvements made to connection walkways, security checkpoints, concessions, and baggage handling systems. Next year, we will see the unveiling of a new automated people mover at LAX that will run for 2.25 miles around the airport, including at...
Linde's container handling business, the industry is canvassed for its view on the sector 62 Terminal Tractors While the marketplace still tries to recover, manufacturers report healthy sales 66 Terminal Automation/Software A trend for 'off-the-shelf' software is gaining ground as automation of ...
Prices used in the index are rolling short term Freight All Kind (FAK) spot tariffs and related surcharges between carriers, freight forwarders and high-volume shippers. Index values are calculated by taking the median price for all prices (to ignore the influence of outliers on active lanes)...