THC是Terminal Handling Charge的缩写,称之为码头处理费或码头装卸费,在海运或陆地内河运输中,将货物运到船上增加的成本,货物通常是使用集装箱(货柜)运输。 货柜码头处理费基本上是船公司向付货人收取的费用,以收回船公司在付运港口或目的地港口需要支付给货柜码头或中流作业营办商的货柜码头装卸费用及其它有关处理...
of Export/Import Document Fee and Terminal Handling Charge for North China Dear Valued Customer, Maersk Line would like to inform you that effective from 1st January 2014 (Gate in Date), we will have several adjustments on Export/Import Document Fee and Terminal Handling charge in North China....
Terminal Handling Charge(THC)是指码头操作费,也称为装卸费或码头处理费。 这是一种在国际海运或陆地内河运输中产生的费用,通... terminal handling charge是什么意思 Terminal Handling Charge(THC)是指码头操作费,也称为装卸费或码头处理费。 这是一种在国际海运或陆地内河运输中产生的费用,通常由港口或码... ...
terminal handling charge at port of 100 4sd rmb.码头装卸费在100人民币4sd港口。望采纳☺ 00分享举报您可能感兴趣的内容广告 找便携式cod快速测定仪,上阿里巴巴 为您推荐 pccharm terminal remmina termius termios visudo sendtochina suricata manualresetevent用法 terminal21 indentationerror MutationObserver...
码头装卸费(Terminal Handling Charge, THC)是到岸后的费用,也不计入完税价格。A.正确B.错误的答案是什么.用刷刷题APP,拍照搜索答疑.刷刷题(是专业的大学职业搜题找答案,刷题练习的工具.一键将文档转化为在线题库手机刷题,以提高学习效率,是学习的生产力
Dear guests, we want to remind you that when using cards when making payments, they usually charge an additional percentage for handling the card. This percentage may vary depending on the payment management account, at the hotel. The cardholder's details must match the name under which the re...
According to the MTL, over the past threetofouryears,terminaloperators in Hong Kong have already lowered their charges on shipping companies by as much as 25%. 現代貨箱 方面指 出 , 過去 3 至 4 年,香港的貨櫃碼頭收取船 公司的收費已 降低了 25%。
Il y a environ 100 ports/terminaux commerciaux dans l'UE où les vraquiers secs chargent ou déchargent leur cargaison. EurLex-2 Catv port terminator with contact-enhancing ground insert Terminateur de point d'accès de câblodistribution à ancrage de terre améliorant le contact pate...
was provided free of charge, was abolished. 取 消原来在免费提供往返机场的市 内交通的 情况 下仍每一趟补贴 8 美元的规定。 We expect more competition in the industry upon completion of this new terminal, which will help enhance the airport’s competitiveness...