// Git Bash"terminal.integrated.shell.windows":"E:\\Program Files\\Git\\bin\\bash.exe", 路径请替换为自己的git bash路径。 图3 保存,重启,enjoy。 图4 参考链接: CSDN, 【vscode设置默认shell】, butterfly5211314,链接。 Visual Studio Code, 【Integrated Terminal】,链接。 【How to integrate Git ...
//git bash "terminal.integrated.shell.windows": "C:\\Program Files\\Git\\bin\\bash.exe", 其中属性值是你的安装git.bash的地址,如果还解决不了你可以按下面我自己的总结。 解决办法参考: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42606837/how-to-use-bash-on-windows-from-visual-studio-code-integrated-te...
“”message": "此项已弃用,配置默认 shell 的新推荐方法是在 `#terminal.integrated.profiles.windows# 然后我们去官网https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/integrated-terminal#_configuration会看到如下设置 我们copy到seetings.json下面 会发现报错 已经看到提示了改成git Bash 就行了 有的我看到是Git-Bash...
Windows Terminal will support any command line or shell that you have on your machine, including those that are included with Windows like PowerShell or Windows Command Prompt (cmd.exe), as well as any Linux distribution that can be installed with WSL, Azure Cloud Shell, Git Bash, etc. The...
记得把在vscode中开启的terminal都删除光,然后重启vscode,否则的话有可能打开的terminal还是cmd或powershell 如果上面的你还有问题的话,参考这个贴 Git-Bash in Visual Studio Code from the D drive - Stack Overflow
"source": "Git Bash" } }, // 移动文件或者修改文件名时,是否自动更新引用了此文件的所有文件 "javascript.updateImportsOnFileMove.enabled": "always", "[json]": { // 对json文件,使用 vscode内置JSON语言功能 进行格式化 "editor.defaultFormatter": "vscode.json-language-features" ...
Git Bash CMD Command Line WSL Ubuntu VS Code Terminal All in one place. So, I have decided to put all my findings together and make it convenient those who need it. Screenshot to show that it works withPowerShell,git bash,cmd,WSL: ...
Visual Studio Code has an integrated terminal to enable working in your shell of choice without leaving the editor.
Git Bash Add the following to your~/.bashrcfile. Runcode ~/.bashrcin Git Bash to open the file in VS Code. [["$TERM_PROGRAM"=="vscode"]]&&."$(code --locate-shell-integration-path bash)" Portability versus performance The above shell integration installation is cross-platform and compati...
安装zsh、oh-my-zsh来美化bash sudo apt install zsh sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/master/tools/install.sh)" 下载node、n、git、yarn、nrm、yrm 略 配置windows terminal 打开windows terminal设置 设置defaultProfile即默认打开的terminal ...