微软最近对 Windows 11 版本的 Windows Terminal 进行了重大更新,新增了集成 ChatGPT 和 GitHub Copilot 的功能。这不仅让开发者的工作效率大幅提升,还为普通用户带来了更多便利。这种强强联合的举措,无疑将进一步巩固 Windows Terminal 作为顶级终端工具的地位,同时也展示了微软在 AI 领域的持续投入和创新能力。Win...
其实是因为在最近计划发布的一篇关于 WSL (WindowsSubsystem forLinux) 的博文中,我打算对终端模拟器、Shell 的选择与配置进行一些说明。不过对于刚接触 Linux 或者刚接触命令行界面的同学,可能会有些难以理解它们之间的区别(事实上我当初也是这样)。 虽然这个话题已是老生常谈,搜索一下应该也能找到大把的相关文章。
Windows Terminal is the new app from Microsoft that lets you use different command-line tools likeCommand Prompt (CMD),PowerShell, andAzure Cloud Shellall in one place. It usually starts up with PowerShell, which is great for managing your system because it can do more stuff than CMD. But...
Internally I think this was fixed in a recent PR, but I don't believe that'll be in the version of Windows 11 shipping today. I honestly have no idea what the ship cadence is like for Windows 11, so it should be out "eventually".10.0.22469does seem like it has the fix....
Get started with Power Automate in Windows 11 Use copilot to analyze desktop flow activity (preview) Power Automate architecture Premium RPA features Setup Power Automate Get started with desktop flows Create desktop flows Get started with Copilot in Power Automate for desktop (preview) Create deskto...
This setting may have a Configuration Service Provider (CSP) equivalent that can be used instead. To determine if a CSP for this setting exists, see the description below.Settings for the Terminal Services WMI provider.In this section展开表 ...
** There is no ascii code for the Function (F1-F12), Control, Windows or Alt keys.** ANSI Terminal (支持这种decoration的终端?) https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/about/about_ansi_terminals?view=powershell-7.2(11/10/2021) ...
4月11日链接篇: ASP.NET, ASP.NET AJAX, ASP.NET MVC, Visual Studio, Silverlight ASP.NET MVC 源码更新预览 宣布WebsiteSpark项目 创建更好的HTML5 分步指南:通过组策略控制设备驱动程序的安装和使用 全面部署 Windows 7 Forefront Online Protection for Exchange 中的虚拟域 我如何:SQL Azure 的 Microsoft ...
Docker Desktop for windows方式,其实质是利用docker的C/S架构,将windows模式下的docker对应docker.sock,docker客户端二进制和docker的数据目录挂载到WSL2里面的linux机器,在此linux机器下执行docker命令(docker命令为docker客户端),实质为客户端通过挂载的/var/run/docker.sock文件与windows里面的dockerd服务端进程通信。
October 11, 2023 Introducing Windows Terminal Canary Christopher Nguyen November 15, 2023 New enterprise-grade security controls for the Windows Subsystem for Linux Craig Loewen The Windows Terminal team is back with a new preview release! Windows Terminal Preview 1.19 introduces new features such ...