Trying to disable debug over a year ago i turned on debug on my Mid 2012 MacBook Pro, Im using Catalina 10.15.7, im not sure what OS i turned it on in. Ive tried putting defaults write IncludeInternalDebugMenu 0 into terminal with no success. Ive got the % sign af...
In addition to the public/private key stuff, the .ssh/config file can be configured to ease use of ssh commands, like aliases, defaut user/port per server, ssh options, proxy commands... Basically anything complicated you can put in a ssh command can be in this file too. Share Improve ...
Can someone help with how to setup an escape sequence for the terminal? I tried running the command in the terminal but get no response: MacBook-Pro basic % ESC ]7;test BEL zsh: command not found: ESC MacBook-Pro basic % ESC]7;test BEL zsh: command not found: ESC]7 2 years ag...
On my Macbook terminal I have 1 window opens with 4 tabs. When I am restarting, it asks to 'Terminate processes' once I click & restart MacBook pro. Terminal opens with Basic profile only. How can I open my last windows 4 tabs again. I can't find in preferences. macboo...
With the Termius Pro plan, you can also: · Access your connection settings and credentials from any device anytime with an encrypted cloud vault. · No limitations on the number of devices to sync. · Run your saved commands on multiple sessions or servers or instantly get them autocompleted...
Mac's command line terminal is famous for putting the user in total charge of their mac device. It allows them to conduct great operations with a few simple commands and take full control of their device. However, despite being amazing, it's not free of issues likezsh operation not permitt...
Codec and send the command {Better Touch Tool(used to build and store commands)>Companion (the user interface to fire the commands from BTT)>Terminal (Connects to the Codec)>Codec Pro} We have it able to connect to the Codec, dial calls and fire off DTMF commands for...
Recommended Version Search Managed Environments - SP1 Support Windows XP Security & Updates Resource Kit Save Add to Collections Add to plan Share via Facebookx.comLinkedInEmail Print Article 09/11/2009 For more information, click a command:...
MacBook-Pro:~ sergiotapia$ sudo nano ~/.ssh/config Password: Error opening terminal: xterm-kitty. MacBook-Pro:~ sergiotapia$ Any ideas how to fix this? This is a brand new Mac. desprit, tekumara, and c1sc0 reacted with thumbs up emoji ...