美国西雅图港,位置:47 36N 122 20W。功能:油轮码头、散装干货码头、杂货码头、集装箱船码头、滚装船码头、燃料供应、拖带服务、干船坞。水深21m,水面上高度47.2m。
Environmental Impact Statement on Seattle Ferry Terminal--Seattle, WAR.F. KrochalisSteve Saxton
This taxi cost estimation from 1101 Madison Street, Seattle, WA, United States to Seattle Ferry Terminal Colman Dock might be a bit outdated. You can recalculate it now, but we need to make sure you are not a robot first :) Remember that these are only estimated far...
This taxi cost estimation from fauntleroy Ferry Terminal, Seattle,wa , USA to seatac might be a bit outdated. You can recalculate it now, but we need to make sure you are not a robot first :) Remember that these are onlyestimatedfares. Actual fares vary depending on traffic, weather and...
A. Dusty Miller at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center (Seattle, WA, USA) [47]. The cis plasmid for AAV packaging, pcisCMV.ΔR4/ΔC, has been described before [6]. Recombinant AAV-6 stock was generated by quadruple plasmid transfection with the cis plasmid, pMTrep2, pCMVcap6,...
Announcement at Microsoft Build On May 6th of this year, the Windows Terminal was announced at the Microsoft Build conference in Seattle, WA. Here's all of the content that came with our announcement: ... Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)Command-LineWindows Console Nov 26, 2019 27 0 ...
Announcement at Microsoft Build On May 6th of this year, the Windows Terminal was announced at the Microsoft Build conference in Seattle, WA. Here's all of the content that came with our announcement: ... Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)Command-LineWindows Console Nov 26, 2019 27 0 ...
4Departments of Global Health & Medical Education, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA. 5Departments of Biomedical Informatics & Medical Education, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA. †Present address: Laboratory of Parasitic Diseases, National Institute of Allergy and ...
In Proceedings of the 2008 American Control Conference, Seattle, WA, USA, 11–13 June 2008; pp. 2352–2357. [Google Scholar] Dong, W.; Wang, C.; Wang, J.; Xin, M. Varying-gain proportional navigation guidance for precise impact time control. J. Guid. Control Dyn. 2023, 46, 535–...
De Grange, L.; Troncoso, R. Impacts of Vehicle Restrictions on Urban Transport Flows: The Case of Santiago, Chile.Transp. Policy2011,18, 862–869. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Gallego, F.; Montero, J.P.; Salas, C. The Effect of Transport Policies on Car Use: Evidence from Latin Am...