Psycho-educative group psychotherapy for Jewish child-survivors of the Holocaust and non-Jewish child-survivors of Japanese concentration camps The authors describe the application of a form of group psychotherapy for middle aged patients with a past history of being child-survivors of the Second World...
in a daily group test was most likely to detect outbreaks prior to first symptom onset (16–27%), while pooling patients and staff expressing any COVID-like symptoms was the most efficient means to improve surveillance given resource limitations, compared to the reference requiring only 6–9 ad...
moving from north to south, includes coastlands, plains, and high mountain chains such as the Alps and the Apennines. Mountainous and hilly areas prevail over lowlands, although the Po Valley covers a large part of northern Italy (Marchetti et al.,...
In hydrological modelling, artificial neural network (ANN) models have been popular in the scientific community for at least two decades. The current paper focuses on short-term streamflow forecasting, 1 to 7 days ahead, using an ANN model in two northeastern American watersheds, the Androscoggin...
To reduce the subjectivity of visual interpretation, subsets were selected to describe the population with the highest possible coefficient of determination. The minimum number of points in a subset was three and was increased by one point each time until the highest possible coefficient of ...