The Role of Water Quality on Structuring the Fouling Community Settled in Long Term Test Panels Deployed in Colombo Port, Sri Lankaexperimental panelsfouling community successionphysicochemical parametersQuality and quantity of the fouling community, breeding period, breeding intensity and subsequent larval ... Test of the method: Comparing cosmogenic rates to absolute erosion rates Because the cosmogenic nuclide method for determining catchment-wide erosion rates rests on assumptions that are difficult to evaluate, it is important to test the method in situations where the erosion rate is ...
Prevalence rates (%, with 95 % CI) of unspecified anxiety in long-settled war refugees stratified by study and refugee characteristics: publication decade, origin regionaand gender.a‘Southeast Asia’ includes Cambodia, Laos, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam. ‘Middle East & Africa’ includes Afghanistan,...
In this section, three comparative experiments were implemented to test the effectiveness of our proposed method. The comparison conditions such as dataset partition and feature selection were kept the same for the reported methods and the proposed method. Conclusion In this paper, a hybrid incremental...
We signed the papers (actually, our attorney did since we were in Scotland) on December 23rd and it was the best Christmas present I ever received. I can’t even imagine how different our trip would have been had we had an empty house sitting back in Vermont. Now we’re staying with ...
Republic Luxembourg Sri Lanka Ecuador Bulgaria Guatemala The Long Term Growth Prospects of the World Economy: horizon 2050 Capital ratio Capital stock Country 2.4 222 Guinea 3.3 221 Barbados 2.4 212 Benin 2.1 201 Lesotho 3.2 176 Chad 2.7 168 Rwanda 2.6 162 Swaziland 3.0 145 Niger 2.5 131 Fiji ...
We use all share price index in the Colombo stock exchange as a measure of stock market performance indicator and Sri Lanka interbank offer rate as a measure of interest rate. We employ some conventional time series econometric techniques namely Unit root test, cointegration test, vector auto ...
Standard Test Method for Measuring Road Roughness by Static Level Method; ASTM International: West Conshohocken, PA, USA, 2007. [Google Scholar] Perera, M.Y.I.; Pasindu, H.R.; Sandamal, R.M.K. Pavement Management System for Low Volume Roads in Sri Lanka. In Proceedings of the Moratuwa...
trend determination using the Mann-Kendall (MK) test and Theil-Sen estimator (3) the determination of a relationship between SPI and SRI by means of Pearson’s correlation analysis. The obtained results will help the departments of state administration, responsible for water resources management, ma...
It is most helpful in assessing the influence of a given work by identifying which other authors used it as a source for their own work or cited it in their papers. Hence, we employed citation analysis to investigate the impact of individual au- thors as well as countries. Figure 4 shows...