Either a term similarity index that will be used for building the term similarity matrix, or an existing sparse term similarity matrix that will be encapsulated and stored in the matrix attribute. When a matrix is specified as the source, any other parameters will be ignored. dictionary (...
Get similarity matrix from a term-to-term similarity matrix between two sets of term setstermsimmat
We perform video-paragraph contrastive learning to capture long-term temporal correlations from a fine-to-coarse perspective. Specifically, we first utilize the log-sum-exp operator on the frame-word similarity matrix to obtain fine-grained similarity between clip and caption. Additionally, we append...
The Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence, a measurement for the similarity of the two distributions qθ(ω) and p(ω|D), is optimized to search the optimal variational parameter θ∗:(2)θ∗=argminθKL[qθ(ω)||p(ω|D)] Following Gal and Ghahramani (2016b), the dropout technique (...
The function can also be used to extract nearest neighbors from a cosine similarity matrix. To demonstrate, we (1) consolidate feature set to 150 latent dimensions via singular-value decomposition, and then (2) construct cosine-based, term-term similarity matrix. tcm_svd <- irlba::irlba (tcm...
Moreover, a piece of music can be described by a matrix X = [\(v_{1}\), \(v_{2}\),…, \(v_{N}\)]T where, N number of frames. Accordingly, the similarity matrix is a (N-1) × (N-1) matrix, whose element is as follows: $$ S_{i.j} = \sqrt {\left( ...
Short-term spaceflight is commonly perceived as posing minimal risk to human health and performance. However, despite their duration, short-term flights potentially induce acute physiological changes that create risk to crews. One such change is dehydrat
16.4, the entire matrix with all 693,889 connections is presented with a line of 1's for self-similarity and other highs and lows in the plot. There is no discernable pattern, because the policies are sorted alphabetically by state, which is identifiably not associated with the content of...
For well data, it is usual to assume that the errors are uncorrelated and, under this assumption, CD is a diagonal matrix. α is a coefficient used to inflate the matrix CD. Since the number of parameters in vector m is usually much greater than the number of models in the ensemble, ...
A cosine similarity threshold \(\epsilon =0.3\) is used to filter out pairs of 2D descriptors that passed with the minimum distance among the possible column shifts k. Only column shifts of 10% of the total number of columns (i.e., 36 deg) are considered for the alignment. All Yaw...