定期寿险「Term Life Insurance」是一种在一定期限内,如5年、10年、20年,为投保人提供寿险保障的人寿保险产品。在这个时期结束后,投保人可以选择是否延续这份定期寿险(续保时保费会变高)或者让保单终止。 定期寿险的几个特点: - 保费低 - 通常可以续保 - 保单没有现金价值 - 部分定期寿险提供保险转换条款 定期寿...
Term life is affordable coverage for your big expenses, so you’re protected when it matters most.
其实,term life insurance指的是:具有固定期限的人寿保险。保险期内,保险公司承诺对被保险人的人身意外进行赔付。一旦保险到期,被保险人可以选择是否续保,或终止保险。Term life insurance经常在美式口语中被简化为:term insurance。中文里,可把term life insurance翻译为:定期人寿保险,或定期寿险。这里的term,指...
Life insurance can give you peace and security by providing a financial safety net for your loved ones in the event of your death. When you purchase life insurance, you'll have tochoose between whole life insurance or a term policy. Unlike permanent life insurance, which lasts your entire li...
当然,Return of Premium Term 的保费通常比传统的 Level Term 定期寿险要高不少,因为保险公司需要通过这些收集来的保费,作为资金来做其它的投资,从而用这些投资的回报来支付保单实际的保费。 Convertible Term 可转换型定期险 可转换型定期险允许定期保险在一定的期限内,可以转换成终身保险 (PermanentLife Insurance),...
Term life insurance is a simple form of life insurance to help you financially protect your family if your surviving family needed access to cash to: make the payments or pay the outstanding balance of your mortgage fund your children’s tuition and other education costs ...
话说美帝有一种保险叫 term life insurance,大概就是每年交个几百刀的保费,如果在30年内死了可以赔100万美元或者类似的额度。有意思的是... 这种保险通常是明文规定,自杀也算的... 所以是不是每个自杀的人都可以先给自己买个这种保险留给家人😅 好多人一辈子都赚不到这么多钱呢... û...
life. The opportunity cost of buying term insurance, or cash-value policies, may be higher than simply investing the money, or even paying off debt, if the family has little income that is not likely to increase substantially. Paying off debt will also lead to a better standard of living....
Term life is the simplest type of life insurance. It covers you for a set number of years. If you die within the term of the policy, your life insurance beneficiaries receive a death benefit. You can typically buy term life insurance in 1-, 5-, 10-, 15-, 20-, 25- or 30-year ...
Term life covers you for an amount of time you select—such as 10 or 20 years—for a benefit amount you select. Term is typically the most affordable and simple type of life insurance coverage. Whole life is a permanent life insurance that covers your entire lifetime, often with fixed ...