term life insurance in Chinese Translation of "term life insurance" into English Sample translated sentence: 期限人寿保险(term life insurance) 的定义就是指在被保人支付保险金的期间生效,不同于医疗保险,这种保险要在被保人意外人死亡后才进行赔偿。 ↔ The death benefit would be paid by the insuran...
Translations of "short-term insurance" into Chinese in sentences, translation memory Declension Stem Match words all exact any The company mainly engaged in property damage insurance, liability insurance, credit insurance, guarantee insurance, short term health insurance, accident insurance and reinsur...
Long-Term Care Insurance in China: Public or Private?[J] . Suyan Shen,Fang Li,John Kipkorir Tanui. Social; Work in Health Care . 2014 (7)Long-Term Care Insurance in China: Public or Private?[J] . Suyan Shen,Fang Li,John Kipkorir Tanui.Social Work in Health Care . 2014 (7)...
Convertible Term 可转换型定期险 可转换型定期险允许定期保险在一定的期限内,可以转换成终身保险 (PermanentLife Insurance), 比如 Whole Life, Variable Universal Life 或Indexed Universal Life。它的主要好处是,当定期保险转换为终身保险时,被保人不需要身体检查,这在被保人身体健康状况下降,又想继续申请人寿保险的...
Elderly Care and the One-Child Policy: Concerns, Expectations and Preparations for Elderly Life in a Rural Chinese Township (2009). Health care and insurance among the elderly in China: Evidence from the CHARLS pilot. Paper presented at 2nd International Conference on Health ... Kiira,Gustafson,...
The aim of this study was to estimate willingness to pay (WTP) for long-term care insurance (LTCI) and to explore the determinants of demand for LTCI in China. We collected data from a household survey conducted in Qinghai and Zhejiang on a sample of 1842 households. We relied on contin...
其实,term life insurance指的是:具有固定期限的人寿保险。保险期内,保险公司承诺对被保险人的人身意外进行赔付。一旦保险到期,被保险人可以选择是否续保,或终止保险。Term life insurance经常在美式口语中被简化为:term insurance。中文里,可把term life insurance翻译为:定期人寿保险,或定期寿险。这里的term,指的...
2013年第1期( 总第178期)福建师范大学学报( 哲学社会科学版)J ournal of Fuj i anN orm alUni versi ty(Phi l osophyand Soci MSci ences Edi ti on)N o.1,2013G eneral ,N o.178我国长期照护保险制度的构建与财务平衡分析林姗姗( 福建师范大学经济学院,福建福州350117)摘要:人口老化加剧、人口平均寿命...
Term Assurance types of insurance offered. 多数是年龄如被划分。 18-25是你变老。 这个小组保险是非常适当的保险责任范围。 J和R没有固定的工作,不可能带来被承受的收入为家庭。 所以,家庭\ ‘s收入是非常不稳定的,没有金钱为了他们能使用,他们没有抵押。 更加不幸地,不要有家庭帮助家庭。 所以,有限生命保险...
The best term life insurance company by market share is Northwestern Mutual — it dominates nearly 9% of the market. New York Life and MetLife round out the country’s top three largest term life insurance companies.But bigger doesn’t always mean better. These providers may be popular, but...