short-term rental on Vrbo do not have to utilize this coverage, although rental reservations booked through the online Vrbo checkout system are automatically covered. Either way, rental owner fees do not increase with the service’s use. In the event of an incident, claims can be filed ...
The age effect reflects how individuals of different ages might experience different rates or risks of an event or condition. Period effect represents the influence of external factors that affect all age groups simultaneously during a specific period of time. It captures the effects of events or ...
Databases record many important details regarding an incident (e.g., product lot number, manufacturer, general situation and outcome); however, they often do not include sufficient detail so that the cause can adequately described. • Lack of data. Data entry for many databases do not typically...
Furthermore, the computing intensity involved with modeling years spent and years lost due to condition combinations required an a priori prioritization of conditions. The 35 conditions were derived using data definitions based on logic and clinical codes (for example, International Classification of ...
Traffic prediction is a task where the goal is to determine the number and type of vehicles, or some other traffic related metric, at certain time point. I
Reviewers judged each reported incident for the presence of an adverse event and then further characterized these events as described below employing structured implicit review. Previous researchers have suggested that “implicit review reflects peer judgment and as such has intrinsic validity.”18 Because...
In our multivariable model constructed a priori, we included the following potential confounders as covariates: self-reported race (White or other racial/ethnic group), husband’s education as an indicator for socioeconomic status because nurses had similar education backgrounds (high school or below,...
except as required by law. Potential risks and uncertainties that could cause the actual results of operations or financial condition of VF to differ materially from those expressed or implied by forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to: the level of consumer demand for apparel ...
An independent data safety monitoring board met quarterly to review adverse event and falls data. We used strategies, such as setting numerical limits for data entry, and reviewing site-specific summaries of data and comments entered, to optimize quality of data entry into REDCap data management ...
An environmental condition that elicits a response is called a ... If getting a new job is perceived as challenging or threatening in some way, then this event would be considered a [{Blank}]. a. hassle b. catastrophe c. hurdle d. ...