4). The timing of the maximum peak of the speciation rate, however, slightly postdates the end of the Sundance Sea and correlates with the origin of extensive freshwater environments represented in the Morrison Formation (Kimmeridgian–Tithonian)37. That formation comprises a diverse set of bio...
Trainingfor watersports, lifeguard, and ropes starts on May 17th for a week, then transitions into general staff training beginning on May 24th for two weeks.2025 camp datesrun from June 8th through August 18th. You'll work long hours and be asked to do wild and crazy things at any ...
Table 1. Characteristics of the used SA missions (ordered by their launch dates) and related data spans. Compared to the open ocean, the SA data quality is degraded near the shoreline due to land contamination, seasonal sea ice conditions, and, possibly, erroneous corrections (e.g., wet ...
(F= 2.69,df= 6, 49,p= 0.02) indicating the presence of more spiders in some of the sampling dates than in the others irrespective of the treatment. We observed a gradual increase of spiders collected from tree-banding in both treatments after the two insecticide sprays (Figure 3b). ...