On a measurable space (T, Σ, μ) we choose an additive measureν: Σ→ Z (Z is a Banach space) with the following property: for alle
This work considers the methods for solving approximately the four types of boundary equations arising when the third initial boundary value problem of the theory of elasticity is solved with the help of retarded elastic potentials. The convergence of these methods is proved....
In this article, the relation between covergence region of power series and the new covergence region of power series resulted from termuise integration and termwise differentiation is briefly discussed. 本文主要讨论了幂级数的收敛域与将幂级数逐项积分、逐项微分后所得的新的幂级数的收敛域之间的关系。
A prime example of this type of behavior is the integration of sensory inputs in the human brain and the ability to process information arriving from the external environment with a subsequent unitary response of the entire organism. The key element in the Fröhlich theory is the existence of...
The urban GIS integration model enables the integration of urban GIS constructs, as well as the connection and visualization of urban planning and environment-energy database in 3D space, while E-GIS Database model uses a function to visualize the 2D and 3D information. In Yeo’s work only ...
Long-term weather and climate observatories can be affected by the changing environments in their vicinity, such as the growth of urban areas or changing vegetation. Wind plants can also impact local atmospheric conditions through their wakes, characteri
利用STFT(Short-time Fourier transform)将长距离的时间序列信号转换到time-frequency matrix 研究了channel-wise correlations 主要贡献为提出了TFDNet模型、研究了channel-wise correlations的影响、在多个数据集做了实验并证明是SOTA 3. 模型结构 这篇文章暂时没有找到代码,因此只能嗯读论文和图片 可以看到结构相对比...
Short-term effects of music stimulus on enhancement of cognitive functions in human brain are documented, however the underlying neural mechanisms in these cognitive effects are not well investigated. In this study, we have attempted to decipher the mech
Thus, the genome carries a set of inter-related signs that encode meaningful information. A few decades ago, a new discipline of biosemiotics emerged whose aim is integration of theoretical biology with semiotics (Sebeok, 2001; Hoffmeyer, 2008). The main challenge of biosemiotics is to depart...
If electrical load data is non-stationary then it can be converted into stationary by differencing it (d) by times until the stationary data is obtained, and the value of this differencing order (d) is assigned to the integration parameter of the ARIMA model. Then, in the second stage of...