The international literature, in particular from the US, includes several quantitative and qualitative studies of patients, mostly in hypothetical situations, but less often in a context where the IF/SF are actually reported to patients [11,12,13,14]. All of these studies indicate that there is...
Für Engagements in Unternehmen, die gemäss der Definition von MSCI ESG Research anderweitige Umsätze mit Kraftwerkskohle oder Ölsanden (bei einer Umsatzschwelle von 0 %) erzielen, verhält es sich wie folgt: Für Kraftwerkskohle 0.23% und für Ölsande 1.69%. BlackRock ber...
Diabetes mellitus is a central driver of multiple long-term conditions (MLTCs), but population-based studies have not clearly characterized the burden across the life course. We estimated the age of onset, years of life spent and loss associated with diabetes-related MLTCs among 46 million Engli...
Please note that, in contrast to other studies, our definition of employment includes marginal employment. Moreover, the business cycle and particularities of the target group and the program design may complicate the comparison of effect sizes. 24 Figure B.4 in the Online Appendix shows the time...
The importance of social health is increasingly recognized in dementia research. For most people living with dementia, their social environment changes as the disease progresses, especially when they move into a long-term care facility. However, maintain
Human-made objects are seen as simultaneously natural and cultural, being both material and symbolic (i.e. meaningful). They are thus usually classified by cultural psychologists as artefacts. According to Cole’s (1996) definition, “an artifact is an aspect of the material world that has ...
The regulatory activity of the IGJ was analyzed to assess whether the information required to assess the functioning of a care network in the home situation could be collected with this framework. Because of the exploratory nature of this study and the lack of previous research it was chosen to...
Correlation measures and correlation coefficients have been applied widely in many research domains and practical fields. This paper focuses on the correlation measures and correlation coefficients of HFLTSs. To start the investigation, the definition of HFLTS is improved and the concept of hesitant ...
The span and potency of antibody responses provide valuable perspicuity into the resilience of post-infection immunity. The analysis of existing literature reveals a diverse controversy, confining varying data about the persistence of particular antibodies as well as the multifaceted factors that impact ...
Statistical analysis and variable definition Data were analyzed using IBM SPSS 26 (IBM, Armonk, NY). AUC values were retrieved using a trapezoidal method based on serum levels of growth factors from postnatal days (PND) 1, 7, 14, and 28. Both PND 1 and PND 28 values were needed for inc...