We verified the general classification performance of our proposed STW schemes on three open benchmark datasets. The results manifest that performance can usually be boosted if IDF is incorporated into the STW schemes, indicating that weighting terms utilizing the IDF factor could provide better text ...
To avoid the influence of some special events or the imbalanced testing abilities between workdays and weekends, we smoothed the concrete number of new cases per day by using moving average over a 7-day period. The same goes for other features with smooth. If not specifically pointed out, ...
However, CNN is often used in Euclidean data [8], such as image and regular grid, which is not consistent with the distribution of automatic weather stations in urban and rural areas, so it does not work well on this problem. In order to solve this problem, we try to use a spatio...
To reduce the risk, operators need long term traffic prediction to perform network expansion schemes months ahead. However, long term prediction horizon exposes the non-stationarity of series data, which deteriorates the performance of existing approaches. We deal with this problem by developing a ...
To assess the relations between moth communities and plant composition, habitat structure, and topography a redundancy analysis (RDA) was performed using the rda function of the ‘vegan’ package. Two main matrices were arranged: (1) a matrix of Hellinger-transformed moth community and (2) a ma...
Problems such as climate change, environmental pollution, nuclear disposal and unsustainable production and consumption share a common feature: they pose long-term challenges because of their complex nature, potentially severe consequences, and the deman
Collective investment schemes x. The Credit Guarantee Funds under the Credit Guarantee Fund Act xi. The Technology Credit Guarantee Funds under the Technology Credit Guarantee Fund Act xii. Funds established pursuant to laws and regulations (except those listed in subparagraphs 10 and 11 above) and...
PIMCO (Schweiz) GmbH (registered in Switzerland, Company No. CH-, Brandschenkestrasse 41 Zurich 8002, Switzerland). According to the Swiss Collective Investment Schemes Act of 23 June 2006 ("CISA"), an investment company is entitled to assume that professional clients possess the...
This paper investigates the real effect of short-term financial constraints on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Under the working capital channel
' Welfare (2022) Schemes and Programmes being run by the various Ministries/Departments of Government of India, for welfare of Senior Citizens. InPensioners’ Portal. Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances and Pensions, Government of India.https://pensionersportal.gov.in/Document/WelfareSchemes.pdf...