Poetry: What Does It Accomplish? 2010 Jukka considers Randion screpts a haynaku collection though the tercet word-count goes 2, 1, 3. Archive 2009-01-01 2009 It's fun to have some words (those with which a tercet ends) hang ambiguously for a moment, and for others (those which begin...
Jean Hollander, the author of several books of poetry, took on the translation of the verse — an already herculean task made more difficult by the challenge of re-creating Dante’s terza rima tercets in English. From Washington Post A fixed form of nineteen lines: five tercets, a concludi...
In the 4th stanza, Shelley longs to identify himselfwith the objects of the wind's power. In the 5th stanza, the poet shows hisactive and optimistic spirit. By words of poetry, he will be the wind's activecooperative instrument, scattering his words among mankind. The celebratedfinal l...