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Making Tequila. Harvesting a Blue Agave Plant in MexicoTaste TequilaYoutube
The deaths and three injuries to other individuals occurred after a boiler tank exploded at the plant, which is located in the city of Tequila, near Guadalajara, which is often popular with tourists due to its associate with agave producers and the associated spirit. A surveillance video shows ...
Al atardecer, no puede faltar la visita a los afamados campos de agave, donde conocerás la plantación, reproducción, cosecha o jima del agave, la planta donde todo comienza. Descargar itinerario Presentarse con una hora de anticipación para su registro de los itinerarios sujetos a cambios ...
Based on the above, we are proposing a model for the FAZY activities constituting the FOS biosynthetic pathways in Agave tequilana Weber Blue variety.doi:10.1007/s00425-016-2602-7Erika Mellado-MojicaLuis E. González de la VaraMercedes G. López...
This is the first phytochemical study carried out to Agave tequilana Weber. Keywords: phytochemistry; Agavaceae; Agave tequilana; homoisoflavanones; NMR 1. Introduction The Agavaceae is a family plant with nine genera and about 293 species. The most important genus is Agave, with about 166 ...