Kendall Jenner is launching a tequila brand–with a familiar name. 818 Tequila takes its branding from the 818 area code that covers the San Fernando Valley region where Jenner, technically, did grow up. But a lot of folks from the Valley quickly took to social media to say the Kardashian...
时尚视频博主 时尚博主 超话小主持人(KendallJenner超话) 查看更多 a 55关注 38.8万粉丝 17073微博 微关系 她的关注(49) 微博会员小秘书 SVIP内容精选 微博社交会员 JustinBieberChina 她的粉丝(38.8万) 用户7940183726 马路边的小馋猫儿 王赛201901 用户7939267190 查看更多 a 相册 查看更多a...
818 Tequila 是由Keeping Up with Kardashians(保持与Kardashians同步)的明星 Kendall Jenner创立的品牌. 818 Tequila 产品组合由墨西哥哈利斯科州的 100% Blue Weber 龙舌兰制成,包括三款产品——blanco、reposado 和 añejo。818与墨西哥哈利斯科当地的家庭农场合作,为您带来最顺滑、最自然、最美味的龙舌兰酒。在制作...
卡戴珊-Jenner姐妹庆祝 818 TEQUILA 发布[干杯] #Kendall Jenner# #Kim Kardashian# #Kylie Jenner#
The award-winning 818 Tequila's newest accolade is B Corp status. March 30, 2023, 4:00pm Kendall Jenner and Fai Khadra celebrate the second annual 8.18 party with 818 Tequila at Little Beach House MalibuSophie Sahara/Courtesy of Revolve ...
Kendall Jenner has become the latest celebrity to launch a tequila brand with the release of 818 Tequila on Tuesday 16 February. “For almost four years, I’ve been on a journey to create the best tasting tequila,” said the 25-year-old on Instagram. “This is all we’ve been drinking...
IC_photo 2022年8月22日 218 关注 “肯豆”肯达尔-詹娜参加818 Tequila event 身穿斜肩高开衩长裙尽显好身材 当地时间美国纽约,Malibu SoHo House,818 Tequila event,肯达尔-詹娜(Kendall Jenner)。 IC photo您的打赏,是最大的鼓励 打赏同步到新浪微博 ...
当然,Kendall Jenner的全力以赴宣传推广无疑起到了积极的作用。然而,仅有明星效应,还不足以解释818 TEQUILA如今的现象级影响力。Kendall所精心打造的品牌个性、独特的消费场景,以及深受年轻群体喜爱与共鸣的时尚调性,都是不可或缺的因素。时尚与潮流,这两个词汇虽然具体,但它们的内涵却难以捉摸,它们需要的是...
Overall I really enjoyed and was pleasantly surprised by Kendall Jenner’s 818 Blanco Tequila. There is a great versatility in it which is something that can’t be said for every celebrity liquor or tequila. The ability to taste delicious both in a cocktail, with fresh juice, and on its ...
Kardashian-Jenner approved tequila shots? Don't mind if we do. The supermodel's tequila brand 818 has launched in the UK, and here's where you can get it.