. Another type of tipi, used by tribes in the eastern regions of America, had a domed rather than a conical framework consisting of branches bent over, tied together, and covered by bark or animal skins sewn together with sinew to provide a waterproof covering. Also spelled tepee or teepee...
tepee,teepee/ˈtiːpiː/n a cone-shaped tent of animal skins used by certain Native Americans Etymology: 19thCentury: from Siouantīpī,fromtito dwell +piused for 'tepee' also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations): ...
(ˈtiːpiː)or teepee n (Anthropology & Ethnology) a cone-shaped tent of animal skins used by certain North American Indians [C19: from Siouantīpī,fromtito dwell +piused for] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994...
Tepee images for free download. Browse or use the filters to find your next picture for your project. teepee tipi tent wigwam sighisoara indian pow wow american shelter Royalty-free photos Tipi Indian Tent Edit image Indian Seler Summer Edit image Camping Tipi Campground Edit image Tepee Tent Wig...
(Definition oftepeefrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press) tepee| American Dictionary tepee noun[C](alsoteepee);(tipi) us /ˈti·pi/ atypeof roundtentmade fromanimalskinsandsupportedby aframeofpoles, used by some AmericanIndians(Definition of...
The meaning of TEPEE is a conical tent usually consisting of skins and used especially by American Indians of the Great Plains.
主要翻译 英语中文 tepee, teepeen(Native American tent)SCSimplified Chinese(北美印第安土著的)圆锥形帐篷běi měi yìn dì ān tǔ zhù de yuán zhuī xíng zhàng péng There were several tepees set up at the powwow. 同义词:Indian tent,skin tent,wigwam,wickiup,lodge,更多…… ...
Now named the Saamis Tepee, this work of public art is the world's tallest teepee. It was installed...- launched in January 2007, with the addition of a people carrier model, the Tepee. The PSA/Fiat joint venture ended in March 2016. 2006–2012 Citroën Jumpy...- Tepee Cr*** is...
* Wigwam, Teepee or Tepee * Build your own American Indian tipi tent to camp, play or party in! We show you how, it is loads of fun! This type of tent is a portable, cone shaped tent that the Native American's live in. Tipi, Tepee and Teepee are all accepted ways of spelling....
A tipi ( TEE-pee), also tepee or teepee and often called a lodge in older English writings, is a tent, traditionally made of animal skins upon wooden poles. Modern tipis usually have a canvas covering. Why do teepees have 13 poles? The bottom of the tipi is the skirt, which is Gra...