X. SetoainA. López-GuillermoS. RodríguezI. NavalesElsevier Masson SASMédecine NucléaireSetoain X, Lopez-Guillermo A, Rodriguez S, Navales I. TEP/TDM dans le diagnostic et la stadification des lymphomes. Medecine Nucleaire 2011;35:4-7....
TEP/TDM cérébrale à la 18F-DOPA dans le diagnostic des syndromes parkinsoniens : comparaison des résultats initiaux au suivi cliniqueTEP/TDM cérébrale à la 18F-DOPA dans le diagnostic des syndromes parkinsoniens : comparaison des résultats initiaux au suivi clinique18F-FDOPADatscan...
TEP-TDM-FDG et diagnostic de malignité des nodules et masses pulmonaires: Performances diagnostiques au Centre Hospitalier Lyon-Sud FDG-PET-CT and the diagnosis of malignancy of pulmonary nodules and mass lesions N.H. Hau, A.C. Ravel, A. Duclos, F. Giammarile, P.J. Souquet Background...
作者:Nicol, Stanislas 页数:196 ISBN:9786131566769 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 + 加入购书单 谁读这本书?··· 二手市场· ··· 在豆瓣转让手里有一本闲着? 订阅关于L'Imagerie Multimodale Tep/Tdm Simultan E的评论: feed: rss 2.0
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Fluoride (F) accumulates into the cortical bone, rapidly and intensely in reaction to a bony metastasis. In 2008, it has been granted a marketing authorisation in France, including imaging bone metastasis of prostate cancer. We report original clinical cases to illustrate its diagnostic performa...
A rise in prostate-specific antigen serum level (PSA) is an increasing issue, which occurs in more than one third of the patients who underwent radical prostatectomy. Thus, imaging these patients is of importance in order to localize residual disease and then to propose suitable therapy. The ...
LymphomaPETStagingSUVCTLymphomesTEPStadificationSUVScannerThe role of FDG-PET/CT in lymphoma is described in the various lymphoma subtypes. Its prognostic value and comparison with CECT are addressed in this review.doi:10.1007/s10269-011-2066-4M. Meignan...