IMPLEMENTASI TEORI KOGNITIF DALAM MENINGKATKAN PRESTASI BELAJAR SISWA SEKOLAH DASARdoi:10.46799/syntax-idea.v6i5.3378The project intends to explore the application of cognitive theory in order to improve student learning outcomes in primary school. This research was carried out in...
Rekonstruksi Sistem Ranking Berdasarkan Teori Motivasi Maslow dan Al-Ghazali di Sekolah DasarStart from Abraham Maslow's motivational theory which states that humans need appreciation, this research is attempt by the researchers in studying ... M Parhan,A Fitriani,AN Pramesti,... - 《Indonesian ...
The ability to remember is an important thing in the teaching and learning process, because remembering becomes a method to store all information. Elementary school students in fact have the ability to remember which is still sharp compared to adults. Therefore, the memory ...
Universitas Jenderal SoedirmanJournal of Dinamika HukumKelik Wardiono dan Khudzaifah Dimyati, "Basis Epistimologis Paradigma Rasional Dalam Ilmu Hukum: Sebuah Deskripsi Tentang Asusmsi-Asumsi Dasar Teori Hukum Murni-Hans Kelsen", Jurnal Dinamika Hukum Vol. 14 No. 3, 2014....