tenure-track system是终身教职轨道制度,20世纪初始于美国,旨在保障学者在稳定就业下的学术自由。教师在一定期限内通过考核后,可获得永久或连续性聘任,被广泛应用于高等教育领域。 tenure-track system的基本定义 Tenure-track system,即终身教职轨道制度,是学术领域,尤其是在高等教育机构...
TTSTenure Track System(various locations) TTSTransdermal Therapeutic System TTSTelegraphic Transfer Selling(currency rate) TTSTwin Transfusion Syndrome(medical) TTSTransaction Tracking System TTSTotal Technical Support(various companies) TTSTravel Time System(various locations) ...
凡是不满足上面特征的都不是tenure track (预聘制) 位置.应该被抨击的应该是 像 高级博士后 之类 的 "非升即走", 而不是tenure track system。 国外也有很多的博后,高级博后,research professor的位置,都是临时工,不是tenure track。他们依靠单位或者自己拉来的项目资金维持,项目一断,就得离开。他们的出路就是...
The Tenure-Track System and Academic Research Productivity: Evidence from Reforms in Chinese Universities 学术午餐会2023年第10期,总第191期 主讲人:黄炜 北大博雅青年学者、北大国发院经济学副教授(长聘),海外高层次青年人才计划入选者。黄炜老师先后任职于美国经济研究局(NBER)、新加坡国立大学(NUS)和美国埃默里...
1.tenure track 终身轨;终身教职;常任轨;终身教职评定 2.tenure-track assistant professor 助理教授;特别研究员;担任助理教授;录用为助理教授 3.tenure track professor 教授 4.Non-tenure Track 非终身教职 5.assistant professor tenure track 见导师邮件 6.The Tenure-track system 预聘制度 7.Non Tenure Trac...
Drawing on the competitive nature, the tenure system is interpreted as both a managerial approach and a training mechanism. This competitiveness and its related precariousness seem to remain, however, uncharted in social perception. An analysis of these issues illuminates tensions and conflicts in the...
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 615 Proceedings of the 2021 4th International Conference on Humanities Education and Social Sciences (ICHESS 2021) The Impact of Tenure Track Personnel System on Higher Education in China Yihua Wang School of Environment, Education ...
In medieval England, tenure referred to the prevailing system of land ownership and land possession. Under the tenure system, a landholder, called a tenant, held land at the will of a lord, who gave the tenant possession of the land in exchange for a good or service provided by the tenan...
In an increasingly digital and global academic environment, the tenure system must adapt to recognize new forms of scholarship and collaboration. However, the principles that underpin tenure—academic freedom, job security, and a commitment to excellence—will continue to guide its evolution, ensuring ...
I think the tenure track system is a bit flawed. I can see how a professor, or someone in any profession with tenure track, would work like crazy to prove that they deserve to get tenure. But what happens then, when the need to super-perform is no longer there? I can totally under...