Define tenuis. tenuis synonyms, tenuis pronunciation, tenuis translation, English dictionary definition of tenuis. n. pl. ten·u·es Linguistics 1. A voiceless stop. 2. A voiceless unaspirated stop in ancient Greek. American Heritage® Dictionary of th
Using techniques developed by Dr. Hagedorn, they collected and froze sperm and cells from colonies of Acropora tenuis and Acropora millepora, two of the roughly 400 coral species native to the Great Barrier Reef. FromNew York Times Advertisement ...
The coral colour and DFs under the control treatment were stable throughout the experiment, whereas under the Irgarol treatment the corals showed gradual bleaching. The Irgarol treatment caused a rapid decrease in the slow decay DF component (10.1–60.0 s), while the fast decay DF component (...
皮革珊瑚 也叫细骨肉质软珊瑚。颜色多种,包括褐色、绿色或棕色,带有白色或金色的水螅体。随着生长,会长出褶皱。 性情相对来说很温和,但需要与其他珊瑚保持足够的距离。一些品种分泌毒素伤害缸中其他居民。产自印尼的品种很容易饲养,无论新手还是专家都可以饲养。产自汤加颜色更艳丽的品种比较难饲养,建议专家饲养。需...
the dinoflagellate genusSymbiodiniumare known to impact host physiology and have led to the evolution of reef-building, but less is known about how symbiotic communities in early life-history stages and their interactions with host parental identity shape the structure of coral communities on reefs. ...
tenuis (Porifera, Hadromerida, Clionaidae), aggresively undermine and displace live coral tissue. At San Andr茅s island and Islas del Rosario (Colombian Caribbean), in all 145 observed cases of direct contact of the sponges C. aprica, C. caribbaea and C. tenuis with 17 coral species, ...
(7.5 × 2.5 cm) of a size corresponding to the size of the chamber used in earlier research that reported putative phototaxis in coral larvae10. In the “small” rectangular field, the modeled larvae having a step-down photophobic response accumulated in either the light half (0 cm...
The use of dispersants in close proximity to coral communities is generally not recommended, although Net Environmental Benefit Analysis (NEBA) of various response methods and priorities may override this principle. The NEBA calculation for use of dispersants near corals is a function of the relative...
Thus, we examined the molecular mechanisms involving lectins and carbohydrates using model organism Acropora tenuis, a common reef-building coral, and Symbiodinium culture strains. Juvenile polyps acquire more cells of Symbiodinium strain NBRC102920 at 72–96 h of metamorphosis induction than in any ...
2012. Differential gene expression in juvenile polyps of the coral Acropora tenuis exposed to thermal and chemical stresses. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 430-431, 17-24.Yuyama, I., Y. Ito, T. Watanabe, M. Hidaka, Y. Suzuki, and M. Nishida (2012) Differential gene ...