Tentlan is free and will always be. The players can acquire some little extras which help maintain the game, but these extras will never be mandatory. We, developers, commit ourselves to making quality games and honest, direct, and sincere communication. ...
What Other games do you play similar to this game? PhoenixdixDec 24th 2023 Tentlan Deutsch Regeln und Ankündigungen Alle Neuigkeiten rund um Tentlan und die Community, sowie auch Regeln und weitere Bestimmungen. Spielregeln-Forenregeln
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Step into the shoes of a maya emperor in this new take on the classic idle empire building genre! Start your settlement in the heart of the rainforest and develop ancient rituals and research, recruit powerful eagle and jaguar warriors, raid barbarian se
Unlocking each of these buildings is closely linked to the observatory which serves as the research hub for Tentlan players while also providing small but useful boosts to various game mechanics. Nature for example can increase the movement speed of your troops and is also key to unlocking later...
Tentlan.GameHelper.net 的扩展GameHelper.net 的创建是为了支持玩家交换他们的战斗和间谍报告。给定的浏览器扩展允许玩家轻松创建和共享他们的报告。 Tentlan.GameHelper.net 和浏览器扩展可供所有人免费使用。安装并刷新 Tentlan 网站后,报告中会出现一个新按钮。此按钮可在 GameHelper.net 上打开您的报告。您可以在...
3. Account registration in our game sites and billing a) Registration When registering a user account on our website, you need to provide only an email, a user name and a password. This data is required so that we can create a user account to be used in our games. The registration is...
Lionmoon UG (haftungsbeschraenkt) Mittelstraße 42 68169 Mannheim, Germany Fax: +49 (0)621 9788-5870 (company only, no game/payment support) E-Mail: info@lionmoon.com (company only, no game/payment support) Managing Directors : Irina Romanova, Jose Portoles Local Court Mannheim, Commerci...
Tentlan is a strategy real-time online game played in the times of the pre-Columbian Americas. Starting off with a small settlement in the heart of the rainforest, the players continuously increase their power and influence till they end up developing great empires. In the heart of the rain...