Usually, being presented with a job offer means you know you've been hired and will begin working on a particular day. Federal jobs, though, are offered in a two-step process. You will be given a tentative job offer, meaning that if you're able to pass a rigorous background check, y...
In a document entitled‘Securing the 61.5% Raise: Understanding the Process’,the ILA and its president Harold J Daggett provided “additional clarification about the wage increase process”. In the letter, Daggett says: “The ILA successfully negotiated a historic 61.5% wage increase spread over s...
Monday, April 17, 2023 in Ottawa. The clock is ticking for the government and Canada's largest federal public-service union to reach an agreement by a deadline of 9 p.m. EDT tonight. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld
theentiredistrictamongallgradelevels(someofwhichisasaresultofstatemandatedminutesvaryingamonggradelevels); creatingatieredsystemthatrequiredmemberstopaymonthlytowardtheirbenefitsbasedupontheirfamilyconfiguration;and proposingalessthanreasonablesalaryofferwhenviewedinlightofexcessreservefundsandtherecenthighdollaradministrative...