APIModel + Scales (dynamic range API)Model + Calibration dataModel with Q/DQ layers. Quantization scalesWeights:Set by TensorRT (internal)Range[-127, 127]Activations:Set by calibration or specified by the userRange[-128, 127]Weights and activations:Specified using Q/DQ ONNX operatorsRange[-128,...
在这种模式下, TensorRT 不会对任何层的权重进行量化,模型权重会直接四舍五入到每一层指定的精度。激活值也不需要指定 dynamic range,所有 tensor 的 dynamic range 都是 [-127, 127] 通过QAT 训练的模型中可能会有 explicit quantizing and dequantizing scale layers,这些层也会被导入到 engine 中。顾名思义,...
TensorRT 仅支持激活张量的每张量量化,但支持卷积、反卷积、全连接层和 MatMul 的每通道权重量化,其中第二个输入是常数且两个输入矩阵都是二维的。 7.2. Setting Dynamic Range TensorRT 提供 API 来直接设置动态范围(必须由量化张量表示的范围),以支持在 TensorRT 之外计算这些值的隐式量化。 API 允许使用最小值和...
Refer to the I/O Formats section about how to set the data types and formats of the input/output bindings. 6.7.2. Layer-Level Control of Precision The builder flags provide permissive, coarse-grained control. However, sometimes part of a network requires higher dynamic range or is...
(plug_inputs, quantize_plug) layer.get_output(0).set_dynamic_range(-127, 127) quantized = _create_tensor(layer.get_output(0), layer) quantized.trt_tensor.dtype = str_dtype_to_trt("int8") scales = _create_tensor(layer.get_output(1), layer) scales.trt_tensor.dtype = str_dtype_to...
Description When I set Per-Tensor Dynamic Range Using Python, the int8-model's acc is very low. The amax is got from pytorch-quantization. I try to disable some layers not to do int8 inference, and found that disable add layer's input, the acc can be up. ...
[09/22/2022-23:01:13] [TRT] [I] Calibrated batch 127 in 0.30856 seconds.[09/22/2022-23:01:16] [TRT] [E] 2: [quantization.cpp::nvinfer1::DynamicRange::DynamicRange::70] Error Code 2: Internal Error (Assertion min_ <= max_ failed. )[09/22/2022-23:01:16] [TRT] [E] 2:...
ITensor.set_dimension_name() ITensor.set_dynamic_range() ILayer LayerType ILayer ILayer.get_input() ILayer.get_output() ILayer.get_output_type() ILayer.output_type_is_set() ILayer.reset_output_type() ILayer.reset_precision() ILayer.set_input() ILayer.set_output_type() Layers Paddin...
2282 TRT_DEPRECATED int32_t getTensorsWithDynamicRange(int32_t size, char const** tensorNames) const noexcept2283 {2284 return mImpl->getTensorsWithDynamicRange(size, tensorNames); 2285 }2286 2298 //2301 void setErrorRecorder(IErrorRecorder* recorder) noexcept...
INetworkDefinition::setPoolingOutputDimensionsFormula() ITensor::getDynamicRange() TensorFormat::kNHWC8 TensorFormat::NCHW TensorFormat::kNC2HW2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. ...