import torch import torch_tensorrt import torchvision import time import numpy as np import torch.backends.cudnn as cudnn torch.hub._validate_not_a_forked_repo=lambda a,b,c: True model = torchvision.models.resnet18().eval().to("cuda") cudnn.benchmark = True def benchmark(model, input_...
安装完成后会在安装目录下生成build和source两个文件夹,我们将来需要使用的文件主要放在build文件夹中 3....
--leanDLLPath=<file> 指定要在版本兼容模式下使用的外部精简运行时 DLL。 --excludeLeanRuntime 当启用版本兼容模式时,不嵌入精简运行时。 --sparsity=spec 控制稀疏性(默认为禁用)。 --noTF32 禁用TF32 精度(默认为启用)。 --fp16 启用FP16 精度(默认禁用)。 --int8 启用INT8 精度(默认禁用)。 --fp...
I had a different "not found" problem: Every time I launched webAI-user.bat after installing TensorRt, I got a popup error message that begin: "The procedure entry point ?destroyTensorDescriptorEx..." This message would popup just when the UI was launching and I would have to click multi...
if(PROTOBUF_FOUND) message(STATUS " version: ${Protobuf_VERSION}") message(STATUS " libraries: ${PROTOBUF_LIBRARIES}") message(STATUS " include path: ${PROTOBUF_INCLUDE_DIR}") else() message(WARNING "Protobuf not found, onnx model convert tool won't be built") ...
FileNotFoundError: Could not find: nvinfer.dll. Is it on your PATH? 此时只需要将缺少的文件找到,然后添加到上面的bin目录下即可,我这里是在安装的torch中lib文件下找到的部分文件,缺什么移什么即可。 如无报错,再次验证,可以输出tensorrt版本: 下面运行安装包里面的一个sample.py文件,以确保tensorrt能够正常工...
if not os.path.exists(dir_path + "/torch_tensorrt/lib"): os.makedirs(dir_path + "/torch_tensorrt/lib") print("copying library into module") if IS_WINDOWS: copyfile( dir_path + "/../bazel-bin/cpp/lib/torchtrt.dll", dir_path + "/torch_tensorrt/lib/torchtrt.dll", )...
Thanks for your contribution and we appreciate it a lot. The following instructions would make your pull request more healthy and more easily receiving feedbacks. If you do not understand some items, don't worry, just make the pull request and seek help
FileNotFoundError: Could not find: nvinfer.dll. Is it on your PATH? 此时只需要将缺少的文件找到,然后添加到上面的bin目录下即可,我这里是在安装的torch中lib文件下找到的部分文件,缺什么移什么即可。 如无报错,再次验证,可以输出tensorrt版本: ...
通过ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary动态加载编译好的。 build_retinanet_decode通过tensorrtPython API构建后处理网络并将其Build成为Engine。 示例代码如下。 importosimportnumpyasnpimporttensorrtastrtimportctypes# 加载TensorRT Plugin动态链接库。codebase="retinanet-examples"ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(os.path.join(cod...