set_shape是为一个 Tensor reset shape 一般只用于设置 placeholder 的尺寸; x1 =tf.placeholder(tf.int32) x1.set_shape([2, 2])print(tf.shape(x1)) sess=tf.Session()#print(, feed_dict={x1:[[0,1,2,3]]})) ### ValueError: Cannot feed value of shape (1, 4)...
If t has shape(?,), a call to t.set_shape((478, 717, 3))will fail, because TensorFlow already knows thattis a vector, so itcannothave shape(478, 717, 3). If you want to make a new Tensor with that shape from the contents oft, you can usereshaped_t = tf.reshape(t, (478,...
涉及内容: 静态形状:a.set_shape([3, 4]) 动态形状:tf.reshape([3,2,2]) """ import tensorflow as tf g = tf.Graph() with g.as_default(): """静态形状""" a = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[None, 4]) print(a.get_shape()) # 获取张量shape # 重新设置未设置的None为4...
#解码成单通道的,并且获得的结果的shape是[?,?,1],也就是Graph不知道图像的大小,需要set_shape image.set_shape([180,180,1])#set到原本已知图像的大小。或者直接通过tf.image.resize_images image=tf.image.convert_image_dtype(image,tf.float32)#预处理 下面的一句代码可以换成自己想使用的预处理方式 #i...
Fayson的github: 提示:代码块部分可以左右滑动查看噢 1.文档编写...
通过此代码体会两种shape的不同,需要注意tf.shape()需要在session中运行。 2. 区分x.set_shape()和tf.reshape() set_shape更新tensor的static shape,不改变dynamic shape。reshape创建一个具备不同dynamic shape的新的tensor。 参考(
SetShapeFn(shape_inference::MatMulShape); // MatMul的实现,采用类模板机制 // 代码位置 tensorflow1.15.5\tensorflow\core\kernels\ template <typename Device, typename T, bool USE_CUBLAS> class MatMulOp : public OpKernel { public: explicit MatMulOp(OpKernelConstruction* ctx) : OpKernel(...
tf.tpu.experimental.embedding:tf.tpu.experimental.embedding.FeatureConfig 增加了一个额外的参数 output_shape,它可以指定特征输出激活的形状;tf.tpu.experimental.embedding.TPUEmbedding 现在具有与 tf.tpu.experimental.embedding.serving_embedding_lookup 相同的功能,它可以使用任意等级密集和稀疏的张量。对于不规则...
must have a shape specified unlessvalidate_shapeis set to False. Can also be a callable with no argument that returns the initial value when called. In that case,dtypemust be specified. (Note that initializer functions from must first be bound to a shape before being used here...