Current behavior? I used TensorFlow Lite Model Maker to fine-tune BERT to get a text classification model. I want to use the GPU to speed up my model. I tried two methods. One is to use NNAPI and the other is to use GPU delegate. But it turned out that NNAPI didn't make my mo...
implementation 'org.tensorflow:tensorflow-lite-task-vision:0.1.0' implementation 'org.tensorflow:tensorflow-lite-task-text:0.1.0' } To use nightly snapshots, make sure that you have addedSonatype snapshot repository. See the introduction in theTensorFlow Lite Task Library overviewfor more details. U...
用TensorFlow Lite Task Library 进行简单的模型部署 TensorFlow LiteTask Library是一个功能强大且易于使用的特定于任务的库,它为 ML 推理提供了所需的开箱即用的预处理和后处理实用工具,使应用开发者能够使用 TensorFlow Lite 轻松创建机器学习功能。Task Library 支持三种文本 API,分别对应于上述用例和模型: NLClassif...
5.1、TensorFlow Lite Task Library 为常见机器学习任务提供了高度封装的API,如图像分类、物体检测和文本分类,能够极大地简化模型集成工作。 5.2、TensorFlow Lite Model Maker 这是一个简化模型训练和转换的工具包,尤其对于移动设备上的定制化需求,可以直接从用户的数据集中训练并导出适配 TensorFlow Lite 的模型。 5.3、... 致谢 这项成果离不开以下人员的共同努力: Task Library Vision API 的主要贡献者 Cédric Deltheil 和Maxime Brénon。 Task Library 原生/Android/iOS 基础架构和 Text API 的主要贡献者 Chen Cen。
下表罗列的是 TFLite Model Maker 目前支持的几个任务类型 Supported Tasks Task Utility Image Classification: tutorial, api Classify images into predefined categories. Object Detection: tutorial, api Detect objects in real time. Text Classification: tutorial, api Classify text into predefined categories. ...
Pretrained TensorFlow Lite models are models that were previously trained to do a specific task. Using a pretrained TensorFlow Lite model is the easiest and fastest method to getting a trained model for deployment. They are deployed exactly as they come, with little to no modifications. Consequentl...
device: "/job:worker/task:10/device:CPU:0" } ... 保存模型时生成的文件 checkpoint: 其实就是一个txt文件,存储的是路径信息,我们可以看一下它的内容是什么: 代码语言:txt 复制 model_checkpoint_path: "model.ckpt-5000" all_model_checkpoint_paths: "model.ckpt-0" ...
TFLite Task Library YAMNet, an audio event classification model. Added from: this repo Style Transfer:high_brightness: Artistic style transfer is an optimization technique used to take two images: a content image and a style reference image (such as an artwork by a famous painter) and blend ...
文本分类 Text Classification Keras 模型转换为 TensorFlow Lite 模型 参考文献 简介 部署TensorFlow Lite 图像分类的示例应用在 Android 手机上 本文以 Windows 为例,编译好的 APK 在文末 安装 Android Studio 4.1.1,已上传百度网盘(0h7c) Android 设备,启用开发者选项并打开USB调试 ...