In the following given code, we have created a tensor and the name of the tensor is population_of_UnitedStates by using thetf.constant()function, and within this function, we have assigned the string values to it. Now we want to convert that string value to an integer. For this, we u...
上一篇文章描述了为什么quantization 量化的int8足够运行推理,以及Quantization量化对TinyML的重要性,但是没...
int32) 代码语言:javascript 复制 <tf.Tensor: shape=(3, 5), dtype=int32, numpy= array([[1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]], dtype=int32)> 指定值的张量 代码语言:javascript 复制 tf.fill([2,3],8) # 指定shape和填充的数值 代码语言:javascript 复制 ...
tf.cast()函数的作用是执行 tensorflow 中张量数据类型转换,比如读入的图片如果是int8类型的,一般在要在训练前把图像的数据格式转换为float32。 cast函数的定义为:cast(x, dtype, name=None) 其中: x代表输入的数据,也就是待转换的数据。 dtype代表目标数据类型。 name代表可选参数,定义操作的名称。 prediction ...
1、tf.to_int32() tf.to_int32( x, name='ToInt32' ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 将张量转换为int32类型。 参数: x: 张量或稀疏张量 name: 操作的名称(可选)。 返回值: 一种形状与x相同的张量或稀疏张量,类型为int32 可能产生的异常: TypeError: Ifxcannot be cast to theint32. ...
to onnx graph. Args: tf_graph: tensorflow graph continue_on_error: if an op can't be processed (aka there is no mapping), continue verbose: print summary stats (deprecated) target: list of workarounds applied to help certain platforms opset: the opset to be used (int, default is ...
def check_bazel_version(min_version, max_version):'TF_IGNORE_MAX_BAZEL_VERSION' not in os.environ):global _TF_CURRENT_BAZEL_VERSIONcurrent_bazel_version = check_bazel_version(_TF_MIN_BAZEL_VERSION,_TF_MAX_BAZEL_VERSION)_TF_CURRENT_BAZEL_VERSION = convert_version_to_int(current_bazel_...
input name input_1 type is int32 initial inputs value, input type : tensor(int32) input name input_2 type is int32 initial inputs value, input type : tensor(float) input name input_3 type is float32 initial inputs value, input type : tensor(float) ...
2. 具体代码:(下面是int8量化) #!/usr/bin/env python"""a command line tool to format onnx model from pytorch-onnx to tflite model"""importrandomimportosimporttensorflow as tfimportglobimportcv2importnumpy as npfromtqdmimporttqdmimportargparsefrompathlibimportPathimportshutilfromtypingimportListdefpa...
opset: the opset to be used (int, default is latest) custom_op_handlers: dictionary of custom ops handlers custom_rewriter: list of custom graph rewriters extra_opset: list of extra opset's, for example the opset's used by custom ops ...