TensorFlow开发者认证(https://www.tensorflow.org/certificate)是证明你具备使用TensorFlow能力的认证。 更具体地说,你具有使用TensorFlow(Python版本)构建深度学习模型的能力,有能力完成一系列任务,例如回归,计算机视觉(图像中的模式查找),自然语言处理(文本中的模式查找)和时间序列预测(根据一系列过去的事件预测未来的趋势...
To prepare, go through theTensorFlow Developer Certificate Candidate Handbook. Use this as your ground truth for the exam. It's a well-written document so I'm not going to repeat anything from within it here, rather suggest some actions which you might want to take. ...
Many people have gone through the course, gained TensorFlow skills and have passed the TensorFlow Developer Certificate Exam. Students of the course get access to the Zero to Mastery Discord server, I’m in there every day answering questions/talking about machine learning, getting jobs, building ...
Go through thePyCharm quick starttutorials to make sure you're familiar with PyCharm (the exam uses PyCharm, you can download the free version). Read through and follow the suggested steps in thesetting up for the TensorFlow Developer Certificate Exam guide. ...
Paid Certificate 41.00 EUR/month English English Basic calculus, linear algebra, stats Knowledge of AI, deep learning Experience with Python, TF/Keras/PyTorch framework, decorator, context manager Enroll in course MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn...
I’m glad that I managed to finish this certificate exam as well as writing this article merely days before my actuarial job and my master degree started. Through these two months, I have a newfound interest in the world of data science and artificial intelligence. The possibilities that this...
Go through the PyCharm quick start tutorials to make sure you're familiar with PyCharm (the exam uses PyCharm, you can download the free version). Read through and follow the suggested steps in the setting up for the TensorFlow Developer Certificate Exam guide. After going through (2), go...
Read through and follow the suggested steps in the setting up for the TensorFlow Developer Certificate Exam guide. After going through (2), go into PyCharm and make sure you can train a model in TensorFlow. The model and dataset in the example image_classification_test.py script on GitHub ...