ComfyUI-ODE Adaptive ODE Solvers for ComfyUI. This is an ALPHA release using torchdiffeq. The batch is denoised one-at-a-time. When time permits, a custom batched RK solver will be written and fixed-step methods will be deprecated. This node supports all models, but is intended for us...
This repo contains nodes for ComfyUI that implement some helpful operations on tensors, such as normalization. Updates June 12th, 2024 Added Fast Image to Noise node, which generates a new image that is effectively a remix of the pixels in a source image. This is all done on the GPU and...
在确认safetensors已安装后,再次尝试安装comfyui。根据comfyui的安装指南,通常使用以下命令: bash pip install comfyui 等待安装完成,并检查是否还有错误提示。 如果问题依旧存在,检查是否有其他依赖问题或冲突: 如果重新安装后仍然出现错误,可能是其他依赖项存在问题或版本冲突。 检查comfyui的依赖项列表,确保所有依赖...
秋叶ComfyUI教程工作流第2集示范工作流-workflow.jsonCheckpoin加载器(简易)选anything-v5-PrtRE.safetensorsAnimateDiffEvolved动态扩散加载器模型名称mm_sd_v14.ckpt调度器sqrt_linear (AnimateDiff)动态缩放1.000AnimateDiffEvolved动态扩散上下文选项上下文长度16上下文步幅1上下文重叠4上下文调度器uniform空LatentLatent宽度...
ComfyUI帧间插值(帧间插值节点) - 运动模块可在此获得:。有两个版本,但较小的修剪版“hsxl_temporal_layers.f16.safetensors”的效果似乎与完整模型一样好。你需要把它放在这里: ...
Comfyui-Pulid运行常见问题解决办法 #Comfyui #Comfyui Pulid(人物一致性插件)运行错误解决方法 错误日志: 1、forward_orig() takes from 7 to 9 positional ar - AIGC-ARYUAN于20241222发布在抖音,已经收获了142个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
最近爆火的粘土滤镜,拒绝付费!利用Comfyui工作流。 使用的大模型: juggernautXL_v9rdphoto2lightning.safetensors 用到的Lora: Detail Tweaker lora(细节调整) DD- - AIGC部落于20240509发布在抖音,已经收获了5458个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
+ // ignore 3D/4D tensors for image models as the code was never meant to handle these + if (image_model) { @@ -262,7 +273,7 @@ index 24e1f1f0..e7747711 100644 enum ggml_type new_type; void * new_data; size_t new_size; @@ -18655,6 +18833,9 @@ static void llama_...
ComfyUI developer tools (Custom Node). Contribute to Comfy-Org/ComfyUI_devtools development by creating an account on GitHub.
😇由黑森林工作室刚刚发的FLUX.1模型可控性真的绝绝子!利用它搭配PS联动插件来修复崩坏的手指简直是易如反掌!ㅤ ✅工作流用到的模型包含:① flux1-dev-fp8.safetensors ② t5xxl_fp8_e4m3fn. - 美学孤诣于20240813发布在抖音,已经收获了1.9万个喜欢,来抖音,记