这是Tensor Notation写identity matrix的方法。得到这个结果是因为我们对独立变量进行相对于另一个独立变量的求导。 \frac{\partial z^i}{\partial j} 在i= j时是1,否则是0。 其实也可以从identity方程 z'= z'(z(z')) 直接链式对 z' 求导得到。(注:(对这个identity等式的直观理解有2种:(1) z'(z) ...
g:=Graph(LinearAlgebra:-KroneckerProduct(AdjacencyMatrix(G),AdjacencyMatrix(H))): IsIsomorphic(GH,g) true 图的张量积还有很多别的性质,可以参考相关专著和教材。 The tensor product G× K2 is a bipartite graph, called thebipartite double cover of G. The bipartite double cover of the Petersen ...
The characteristic matrix of the tensor product of two Hilbert space operators is analyzed. The case where operators are not necessarily closable is also considered, and we determine (i) the closure of the graph of the algebraic tensor product T1 alg T2, (ii) the maximal closable part of T1...
Quantum object representing the controlled-U gate. """if[N, control, target] == [2,0,1]:return(tensor(fock_dm(2, control_value), U) +tensor(fock_dm(2,1- control_value), identity(2)))else: U2 = controlled_gate(U, control_value=control_value)returngate_expand_2toN(U2, N=N, c...
Product Actions Automate any workflow Packages Host and manage packages Security Find and fix vulnerabilities Codespaces Instant dev environments GitHub Copilot Write better code with AI Code review Manage code changes Issues Plan and track work Discussions Collaborate outs...
m2 = torch.tensor([[3., 0.], [0., 3.]]) # three times identity matrix print('\nVectors & Matrices:') print(torch.cross(v2, v1)) # negative of z unit vector (v1 x v2 == -v2 x v1) print(m1) m3 = torch.matmul(m1, m2) ...
In particular, the usual matrix product and the scalar multiplication are its special cases. The right semi-tensor product turns out to be an associative bilinear map that is compatible with the transposition and the inversion. The product also satisfies certain identity-like prop...
To create a matrix with package tensor is easy:// Creating a (2,2) matrix of int: a := New(WithShape(2, 2), WithBacking([]int{1, 2, 3, 4})) fmt.Printf("a:\n%v\n", a) // Output: // a: // ⎡1 2⎤ // ⎣3 4⎦ //...
22、 computes the n-mode product of tensor X with a matrix A; i.e., X x_N A.Theinteger N specifies the dimension (or mode) of X along which A should be multiplied.If size(A) =J,I, then X must have size(X,N) = I. The result will be the same order and size as X excep...
it says that the object z^{ij} acts on covariant metric tensor z_{ij} produces an identity matrix, we name that acting object a contravariant metric tensor. Also this is the tensor way of saying that the contravariant metric tensor matrix is the inverse of the covariant metric tensor matrix...