张量并行(Tensor Parallelism,TP)是一种用于加速深度学习模型训练和推理的分布式计算策略。通过将模型的权重张量分割并分布到多个处理单元(如GPU)上,张量并行能够突破单设备的内存和计算限制,从而提高计算效率和内存利用率。其主要思想来自于下面这篇论文,其实比较早了2020年的论文。 论文名称: Megatron-LM: Training ...
• edited by pytorch-bot bot 🐛 Describe the bug I am trying a basic Tensor Parallel implementation on a 2 layer MLP using ColwiseParallel followed by a RowwiseParallel. I would expect the final output of the MLP to be the same in the Tensor Parallel version compared to the non-parall...
Provide a detailed API design for high-level PyTorch Tensor Parallelism API design. This is an evolvement of PyTorch Sharding introduced in#72138and is directly built on top of DTensor proposed in#88838. We want users to only focus on how their modules to be distributed and hide all other...
Tensor parallelism is a type of model parallelism in which specific model weights, gradients, and optimizer states are split across devices. In contrast to pipeline parallelism, which keeps individual weights intact but partitions the set of weights, tensor parallelism splits individual weights. This ...
pytorch判断两个tensor相等元素个数 一、引言 大规模分布式训练的目标是协调多台机器简单高效地训练大模型。然而,在这个过程中,存在着内存需求与GPU内存限制之间的矛盾。 问题分析:假设训练模型所需的内存的Require_memory,GPU的单卡内存为Device_memory,在模型训练过程中的矛盾为Require_memory>>Device_memory。
NVIDIA Megatron-LM 是一个基于 PyTorch 的分布式训练框架,用来训练基于Transformer的大型语言模型。Megatron-LM 综合应用了数据并行(Data Parallelism),张量并行(Tensor Parallelism)和流水线并行(Pipeline Parallelism)。很多大模型的训练过程都采用它,例如bloom、opt、智源等。
Tensor并行(Tensor Parallelism,TP)是模型并行(Model Parallelism,MP)中的一种技术,通过对Tensor(张量)的拆分,将原本在单个设备上的一次Tensor计算拆分到多台设备上进行并行计算,然后将计算结果合并为目标张量。这种并行方式能够显著提高大规模深度学习模型的训练效率,尤其是在模型参数达到数十亿甚至数百亿级别时。 2. ...
You can enable PyTorch FSDP and SMP tensor parallelism simultaneously, and determine the best model parallelism for best performance. In practice, tensor parallelism is especially helpful in the following scenarios. When training with long context lengths as that leads to high activation memory with ...
1. 张量Tensors torch.is_tensor(obj): 如果obj是一个pytorch张量,则返回True torch.is_storage(obj): 如果obj是一个pytorch storage对象,则返回True torch.numel(input): 返回input张量中的元素个数。 2. 创建…