Tensile strength is a measure of the force required to pull something such as rope, wire or a structural beam to the point where it breaks. There are three different versions of tensile strength: • Yield strength: the stress beyond which the strain in the material changes from elastic defo...
The limited tensile strength and toughness of graphene foam are attributed to the insufficient realization of its intrinsic properties caused by weaker interconnections between them.Incorporating CNTs into graphene foam serves as bridging elements, offering a promising approach to enhance the interconnectivity...
Tensile strength of the extrusion MWCNT/PDMS nanocomposites was found to be higher compared to ultrasonic MWCNT/PDMS nanocomposites.N MazlanM JaafarA AzizAEROTECH VI: Innovation in Aerospace Engineering and Technology : Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 8-9 November 2016...
ISO 37:2011 describes a method for the determination of the tensile stress-strain properties of vulcanized and thermoplastic rubbers.The properties which can be determined are tensile strength, elongation at break, stress at a given elongation, elongation at a given stress, stress at yield and elon...
resorbable hydrogel biomaterials [89], we observed faster GelMA degradation upon mechanical loading in both GelMA only and hMeSPC-encapsulated groups, resulting in smaller size, lighter weight, increase in the number and size of pores, i.e., higher porosity, and loss of mechanical strength (Fig...
直译:60 percent of the tensile strength of the un-aged specimen. 或:60 percent of the tensile strength of the specimen without aging. 英文翻译时应多考虑英美人的语言习惯,以上直译明显生硬. Lay Erection - 绞向。导体或芯线绞合之方向,绞向分为S绞和Z绞两种,S绞英文为 Left-hand,Z绞英文为 Right...
The mechanical properties of thin films, such as Young's modulus, yield strength, tensile strength and ductility, have been of paramount importance to many thin film applications, including microelectronic, biological technologies and energy conversion devices3–5. They are generally measured by tensile...
and the adhesion strength was calculated by dividing the pull-off force by the critical contact area. Raman spectra were obtained using a Raman spectrometer with a 514-nm laser as the excitation source (inVia Raman microscope; Renishaw, UK). The beam size of the laser was 2 μm using a...
Tensile testing of plastics and composites. Tensile testing also provides tensile strength (at yield and at break), tensile modulus, tensile strain, elongation, and percent elongation at yield, elongation, and elongation at break in percent http://www.intertek.com/polymers/tensile-testing/. In-...
The oxidative stability of the SiPUU samples was evaluated by an in vitro oxidative test method using a 20% H2O2 containing 0.1 mol/L CoCl2 solution on 150% strained dumbbells at 37 °C over a period of 60 days. The results showed that the modulus, tensile and tear strengths ...