Tensile lap-shearstrength is the value of this force divided by the area of the adhesive surface; it is expressed in newtons [...] wacker.com wacker.com 拉伸剪切强度是最大拉力除以胶粘剂表面面积所得的数值;可以用牛顿/平方毫米(N/mm²)来表示。
【正版授权】 ISO 4587:1979 EN Adhesives - Determination of tensile lap-shear strength of high strength adhesive bonds 搜文档 废止 已被废除、停止使用,并不再更新 | 1979-02-01 颁布 | 【正版授权-英语版】 ISO 4587:1979 EN Adhesives - Determination of tensile lap-shear strength of high strength...
胶黏剂的测试里有Lap shear strength,就是说的剪切强度.希望对你有帮助
美 英 un.单面拉伸剪切强度 英汉 un. 1. 单面拉伸剪切强度
什么叫Tensile shear strength 不知道楼主做的是何种胶黏剂?以前我们公司胶黏剂的测试里有Lap shear strength,就是说的剪切强度
This work studies the lap-shear strength performance of polyethylene pipeline bonded with acrylic adhesive in the temperature range -10 to +20°C. Single lap shear test samples were firstly prepared at 20°C under various clamping pressures and curing times to determine suitable conditions under ...
1) tensile double lap shear strength 双面拉伸剪切 2) single lap shear 拉伸剪切 例句>> 3) cut pull 剪切拉伸 例句>> 4) tensile single lap shear strength 单面拉伸剪切强度 5) the ration of strain to shear 拉伸剪切比 6) tensile shear strength ...
Bond stength 粘合强度 Tensile Strength 拉伸强度 Lap Shear Strength 剪切强度
注册 生活休闲 > 科普知识 > 【日本标准】JIS K6850-1999 Adhesives-Determination of tensile lap-shear strength of rigid-to-rigid bonded assemblies 下载文档 收藏 打印 转格式 647阅读文档大小:253.0K6页syvfq4huqj6b..上传于2010-09-18格式:DOC