Present – Perfect Tense Present Perfect Tense indicates to any action or some state that has most probably occurred in the past in some indefinite time (Example: We have eaten before) or the action began in the past and is continuing in the present (Example: His impatience has grown since ...
After the class I got all question right! ElizeuBh2006 Thank you Rebecca, i got 10/10 ijal thank you for this video rsy7 THANKS, Teacher, it is nice, I am learning. Wilson Barrera I love this class Wilson Barrera Wow! thanks a lot alllan.88 ...
Good class. But in the question 9, it´s not possible to know if they had been stopping save money. Could you explain it? janio The first is the only correct answer, as shown, because you cannot say “Her parents HAS been saving” or “Her parents HAS saved.” Since the word pa...
This hilarious speaking activity is fairly simple and requires little preparation. ♥Ask students to write on a different sheet or slip of paper the short answersYes, I have and I have never “ ♥ Tell them you are going to ask a question to the whole class. ♥ Ask them to answer ...
Okay, now let's get some practice with the past tenses!Exercise A: Simple past or past progressive? Read the story below and then choose the correct sentence for each question. Be sure to see whether the action was in progress or completed....
如:We clean the classroom every day.--The classroom is cleaned (by us) every day.2. 被动语态的基本构成am/is/are + done was/were +done3. Practice: Underline the passive voice in the following sentences.4. 被动语态的基本用法1) 动作的执行者是泛指或者不言自明时。2) 在不知道动作的执行...
Show some passive sentences in the unit.Let Ss recognize the structure in the Passive voice.Do exercisesStep 3. PresentationLook at the pictures to practise the passive voiceMatch and say sentences using the passive voiceStep 4. PracticeLook at the pictures to practise the passive voice2. Match...
Question 2. “We are always sleeping late”, it is a bad habit. I got 9 out of 10 thank you. Nadeeshani Thanks, Rebbeca. I can get 10, for your help Silvain Thank you very much, Rebecca! I like your lessons) I got 8/10. I have question: 6.Are you going ...
Kindly let me ask a question, how could I use “before” in your examples in the video? thanks. mohamedawad Sorry Mrs. Ronnie, I have another question, When we use “past perfect” in one sentence? thanks. mohamedawad Thanks Ronie. Great class ¡¡ msoldan thank...
thanks alot ronnie i have a question ? iam having a bababy? is this right? barawe Thank you very much. dreamk7x Hi, i need Someone to practice, Kathjams Thanks very much Ronnie vahidvahidi Excuse me could you please explain to me why this sentence is not correct??“I going to go ...