If you order your new Endless tennis clothes online at our Tennis-Point shop, you will of course benefit from our 30 days money-back guarantee. This means you can take your time and try your new outfit in the comfort of your own home. If anything doesn’t fit or look as nice as you...
that little bit of extra power, which, as we all know, can give you the edge, especially at the professional and tournament level. At Tennis-Point, you can discover a vast selection of Castore sports and tennis clothes forwomenandmen. We would especially recommend the following Castore ...
翻译结果:“tennis point”翻译为中文是“网球得分”。 应用场景:“tennis point”这个短语在网球比赛中使用,用来描述比赛中球员获得的分数或得分点。它可以用来记录比赛进程,评判胜负,或者分析球员的表现。 造句例句: 英文:She won the tennis point with a powerful serve. 中文:她以一记...
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Tennis-Point 网球装备购物网站,在线销售网球拍,网球鞋,网球服,网球袋,配件等,✓30天退款保证✓免费送货满150欧元 Tennis-Point是一家大型的网球在线商店;服务于所有球迷。二十年来,我们已经激发了我们的全球客户提供广泛的选择超过500个网球产品,提供最新的网球产品,用户友好的购物体验。我们的使命是帮助你提高你的...
商标名称 TENNIS POINT 国际分类 第28类-健身器材 商标状态 商标注册申请 申请/注册号 51163692 申请日期 2020-11-11 申请人名称(中文) 义乌市波瑛电子商务商行 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 浙江省金华市义乌市福田街道罗店村东135号205室(白主申报) 申请人地址(英文) - 初审公告期号 - 初审公告日...
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