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德国网球网店 Tennis-Point 专为各位网球爱好者或者专业网球运动员提供优质的产品,包含网球拍,网球服饰、鞋履,背包,还可先试用10天的测试球拍,来确认是否要购买,十分人性化。现在网站正在进行圣诞促销专场,前往Sale 促销专区,购买任意折扣商品不仅有低至原价5折优惠,还可使用优惠码:15XMAS享受折上85折优惠,运动服/网...
2.1The product descriptions in the Seller’s online shop do not constitute binding offers on the part of the Seller, but merely serve the purpose of submitting a binding offer by the Client. 2.2The Client may submit the offer via the online order form integrated into the Seller's online sho...
We have a number of fitness and off-court programmes including Tennis Fit, Beach Tennis and the ATA online programme T.A.S.K. Learn More Junior Tennis The ATA Junior Tennis Programme is for ages 3 to 18 years and caters to beginners, intermediate, advanced and elite players across multipl...
- An online player badgeTHE BIGGEST STARS IN TENNIS• Play as one of 30 of the best players in the world, including Federer, Kerber and Wawrinka.PERFECTLY REPRODUCED MOVEMENT• Make all the shots used in modern tennis, carefully reproduced in the game using motion capture technology. EVERY...
De 5 estrelas, a classificação média foi de 2.96 estrelas em um total de 3 mil classificações 2.96 3 mil classificações R$9,95R$99,50Economize 90%A oferta termina em 3/12/2024 07:59 AM UTC PS Plus necessário para o jogo online ...
Shop for tennis wear - tennis skirts, tennis dresses, tennis shirts and tops, tennis warm-ups, tennis jackets, even tennis panties. Purchase tennis apparel for that important tennis match or for your everyday tennis practice - you can find your latest line of tennis clothing here. ...
Bethanie Mattek-Sandswritesof her improved shoulder, taking care of her dog at home and the first-ever tennis camp she’s hosting in Arizona next month. | The only golf and tennis shop in downtown D.C., Drilling Tennis & Golf,is set to closeafter over 30 years in business. | Beware...
Wir bei Tennis-Point betreiben nicht einfach nur einen Tennis-Shop! Wir haben eine Mission!Wir wollen Sportverrückte auf der ganzen Welt mit einer breiten Auswahl an Produkten und einem ausgezeichneten Shopping-Erlebnis begeistern. Dies geschieht sowohl online als auch offline mit Hilfe von einzigar...