Group Tennis Lessons on any court of your choice! Private Tennis instruction for Beginners, Children, and Advanced Players. Improve your game with!
Tenniscoach for beginners I have been playingtennisfor more than 40 years. I was in USTA Men's and Mixed Doublestennisteam playing at 3.0 and 3.5 rating. I play 2 to 3 times a week for 1.5 hours each time. I coached my daughter and my wife to play... 4.8...
I also worked with a group of advanced beginners on smashing. One of the best ways to do this is to put a box or some other object on the table, and feed multiball as they take turns trying to smash the ball into the target. Each time they hit it the target should move back some...
This tennis camp is appropriate for tennis players ranging from beginners, to those already well versed in the sport of tennis. Groups are separated by age and ability to ensure all players flourish in the optimum positive learning environment while having a great time!
“NCTTA’s goal for this summer’s fundraising campaign is NCTTA Video Production which now has a Go Fund Me page:” Butterfly Training Tips They have a lot this week! Combination & Footwork Play for Beginners (63 sec)...
They work with small groups, so there's a lot of coach to player time. The coaches truly care about the students and their ability to learn! Highly recommend this place for all ages” Negin F. (Campbell, CA) "While in town over a few months I worked with Mauricio, who in just ...
Skill levels:Beginners,Intermediates,Advanced Ages:Juniors (Ages 11-18),Adults $115/hr 13 Years Experience View Profile See More Charlotte Coaches Why Tennis Players Love MyTennisLessons I've purchased a package of 6 hours of lessons so my son could have a formal introduction to tennis. It wa...
then changed my clothes and headed back out to go to tennis. I’m not gonna lie, my mental soundtrack was a long grouchy list of complaints. I was not fun to be around, so it was good I drove by myself. “Will there be other beginners?” I asked in text. “Yes” my friend ...
We will also hold an occasional social mixer/networking events in conjunction with other meetup groups. If anyone is interested in being an event organizer for a weekly Tennis meetup at a public court near you - let me know. We welcome all indoor/outdoor locations, coaches and tennis ...
Steep slopes and extreme weather conditions suit advanced skiers best, but there are also runs for beginners. Just make sure everyone in your party knows a green circle from a black diamond. Oh, and another note for the history books—Pierce Brosnan was here (filming a James Bond movie,...