Categories Tennis Psychology Articles Tags tennis focus, Tennis Mental Game, Tennis Mindset How to Overcome Fears During Tennis Matches What is the “I-Have-Nothing-to-Lose” Mindset? What is the upside of having that approach for competitive tennis matches? The “I-Have-Nothing-to-Lose” ...
This“Tennis Confidence: Mental Game Strategies for Tournament Players”is Dr. Cohn’s program to help tennis players, coaches, and instructors improve the mental game of tennis is just 8 easy to learn sessions.Tennis Confidence: Mental Game Strategies for Tournament PlayersAudio and Workbook program...
Free sample section with videos, articles & drills. The Mastering Tennis Psychology course is designed by world-renowned sport psychologist Dr. Gregg Steinberg. This course is based upon his tournament tennis experience as well as his experience of 30 years being the mental game coach for some of...
If you want to win more matches, the truth is that tennis is a largely physical and mental game. A lot of your success in tennis comes from your ability to stay in the game, especially in your head. There is nothing like a poor game to cause you to get frustrated, angry, and ready...
About the author:Tomaz Mencinger is a tennis coach and mental toughness coach. He works with players on theirmental tennisgame to help them reach their tennis goals. Tennis Articles by Chris Lewis: Sorry Pete, But That's No Sacrifice
About the author:Tomaz Mencinger is a tennis coach and mental toughness coach. He teaches tennis players how to applytennis psychologyto make their mind their best ally. Tennis Articles by Chris Lewis: Sorry Pete, But That's No Sacrifice ...
Combine this with a moving little ball, trying to hit it on the move while swinging your racquet and it becomes obvious that it's a small miracle that we are actually able to play this game. No mental tennis advice can help you in this situation except to really focus on seeing the ba...
How to develop the mental skills, without which high performance is impossible, is the subject of The Inner Game of Tennis. 前言 对于学网球来说,难的不是怎样挥拍,因为教练和书里都提供了大量的技术知识。也不是像一些选手抱怨的是身体素质不行,困扰我们最多的通常是:“打网球的问题,不在于我不知道...
Mental tennis tipsthat can help you change your mindset quickly Articles that go deep into thepsychology and strategyof tennis What you can learn from professionaltennis players My views ontennis and lifeand how similar they are... Tennis drills and instructionon various parts of the game ...
Players were often over-coached and the spontaneous, physical nature of the game was lost. Read on to learn how to turn your tennis game into an intense workout. Don't Let Your Mind Get in the Way 1 of 5 In tennis, it's easy to get wrapped up in mental strategy and forget that ...