Chalkbeatreportsthat Memphis-Shelby County will move starting teacher pay to a minimum of $50,000 a year and bump pay for all teachers – raises that could amount to $4000 or more for most teachers. Memphis-Shelby County Schools is raising its minimum teacher salary to $50,811 under a new...
Coats noted that the proposed teacher pay increase will bring Tennessee’s minimum teacher salary to $42,000 a year. She then pointed out that Alabama’s minimum teacher pay is $43,358. It’s also noteworthy that only 25% of Tennessee teachers earn more than $60,000 a year. Bill Lee...
Last year, Lee had originally proposed funneling an additional $117 million to K-12 teacher salaries before the outbreak hit. If approved, the starting minimum annual salary for teachers would have increased from $36,000 to $40,000 over two years. Lee and lawmakers nixed the ...
This article describes generating the EIS 041 Student Enrollment extract including reported logic and fields.
This article describes generating the EIS 048 Student Class Assignment extract including reported logic and fields.
Amid statewide struggles to hire and retain teachers in part due to low pay, Shelby County Schools is working with local teacher unions to boost pay,Chalkbeatreports: The starting salary for new Shelby County Schools teachers would increase to match or exceed neighboring competitors, and teachers ...
Looney is asking the board to approve a proposed increase in teacher compensation for new hires through those with 10 years of experience. Current salary for a new teacher with a bachelor’s degree is $37,500, and it’s $39,500 for one with a master’s. The proposed increase would go...
Students with multiple active Primary enrollments. Students with multiple enrollments in the same school. Students with an enrollment marked as N: Special Ed Services Enrollments marked as No Show or Exclude. If a record was previously reported and then marked as exclude, a delete record will be...
Enrollments in Calendars or Grade Levels marked as Exclude are not reported. Additionally, records are not reported for the following students. These students are included in the warning report. Students with multiple active Primary enrollments. ...
teacher, you get the best math teacher you can find, with salary not really an issue at the school level. However, a principal at a more autonomous school may get a budget and have the freedom to hire and program within that budget; here, quality is certainly important, but salary comes...