Effective Counseling either Virtual / Telehealth or In Person. Help for Anxiety, Trauma, Depression, Life Transitions, and Grief - including grieving pets. Anne Marie Hall Licensed Professional Counselor
The Rutherford County School Board will begin discussionstonighton a new pay plan as required by the State Board of Education. The State Board approved Commissioner Kevin Huffman’s recommendations for a new pay scale and a requirement that districts come up with differentiatedpay schemes, including...
Math Teacher has overall performance evaluation scores of a 3 in all three of the years before his license is up for renewal. However, his value-added scores are a 1-2-1. So, he’s license is not renewed, he goes under review and could potentially lose his license. Band Teacher has ...
When she did not receive the bonus as expected, she began asking questions about why the bonus had not been paid. She ultimately determined that without her knowledge, a school counselor had assigned 10 students to Ms. Trout for the factoring of TVAAS scores. The students were in an Algebra...