MentorMe–MentorMe has taken the process of online dating and applied it to mentoring. We’re the only available technology solution that not only helps mentoring programs better manage day-to-day operations, but also helps them to better engage mentors and mentees. OverDog–OverDog is a mobil...
Solutions: TIADA (TEXAS) is offering an online class for $75 to the qualified individual (owner/office manager) that can be taken in 1 hour. Your employees can take the 30 minute abbreviated version for $50 each. Group rates apply. Call Karen, 931-265-6143 for more information or call ...
Walmart, Amazon and other corporate giants donated money to the reelection campaign of a Tennessee state lawmaker who had used social media to amplify and promote the QAnon conspiracy theory, according to an Associated Press review of campaign finance records and the candidate's posts. The corpora...
mental health treatment – which can include online therapy, counseling and medication management. Other recurring conditions like migraines or urinary tract infections can also be managed via telehealth, as well as post-surgical follow-ups, urgent care issues, physical and occupational therapy and remo...
Not at all. The former head of a heating and air conditioning company he inherited from his family, Lee is used to getting his way. Now, hisalliesat the American Federation for Children (more about them soon) are using online ads toattack Republican lawmakerswho opposed vouchers. ...
I will not be bullied by two of my opponents into committing violations of campaign finance laws as the demand letter requests. I will never stoop to bullying others, and I will not accept bullying in any form. As a professional, I am empowered to grow and develop. I have read the ...
“Campaign finance reports filed on Monday show the Lansing-based Michigan Catholic Conference, which bills itself as ‘the official voice of the Catholic Church in Michigan on matters of public policy,’ has made $238,874.80 in direct and in-kind contributions to Citizens for Equali...
TEA has long had concerns about this transition to a statewide online assessment. We have seen problems with pilot assessments and practice tests in the past, and unfortunately the first day of TNReady resulted in more issues and frustrations for our students and teachers. ...
“I’m not aware of a state that has had a more troubled transition” to online testing, said Douglas A. Levin of the consulting group EdTech Strategies. In terms of an evaluation tied to an assessment, even if TNReady had gone well, the results in the initial years would not be in...